Advanced Japanese Book Club // Now Reading: マスカレード・ホテル

That sounds harder than it would be, actually. We should have the images already in the proposals, so we can reuse the URLs from there; and I generate the poll entries anyway with a spreadsheet, so it’s not hard to add the correct markup (well at least I only need to do it once :sweat_smile:).

We need to fine-tune the results in a second round anyway, I guess, so I will add the option there. Thanks for the suggestion!


I think my ideal poll would have the book’s title, a convenient link to the nomination post, and possibly the cover image. Personally, I don’t need the other information because I already saw it when I read the nomination.


That’s another good idea! For the longest time I thought that one cannot include links in the poll options, but as can be seen in the Natively poll example, you can. (Or maybe this is a new-ish feature :woman_shrugging:)


In the IMC I include two links, one to the nomination post and one to Natively. I also write number of the nomination, I find it easy to find them again in the different lists then (natively list or first post list). Example of poll


The book that’s currently first in the poll is on sale right now on Bookwalker (and until July 18). 693 yen instead of 990.

By the way I just removed my own vote from this book because I read in several reviews how it goes into tedious detail about astrology. I’ll probably still read it if it’s selected because it’s a classic, but I’m less keen than before


I read it in the french translation a couple of years back, and even more than the astrology tedium, it’s the final explanation that I found tedious. But a lot of Japanese thrillers end up having a big reveal that I often found barely plausible and overly convoluted


Thanks to all who voted on the poll layout!

To me it looks like those would be a good idea to include in the poll options:

(and I’m especially happy that all of you voted for including the title :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

while these seem to be less important:

therefore I’d like to specifically ask about these again:

  • I absolutely need the Natively level in the poll
  • I absolutely need audiobook availability in the poll
  • I absolutely need the year of publication in the poll
  • I can do without these in the poll
0 voters

We also got some other suggestions:

  • cover image
  • nomination link
  • Natively link

I think the nomination link is an excellent idea, as is the Natively link (if we decide to show the Natively level).
While the cover image also sounds like a neat idea, it also has a high potential to be the most jarring of all the options, so I’d like to ask this separately (and I’d like to show you what it looks like).

If we integrate all of the popular options, plus the Natively level (purely because I did not remove it yet), plus the nomination link, we get to a poll that looks like this:

0 voters

and if we include the cover images, we get to a poll that looks like this (for just a few entries):

0 voters
Cover images needed to go somewhere first


What do you think?

  • Yes, pictures please!
  • It’s better without pictures
  • Please change something! (please explain)
0 voters

One other question: I used strikethrough to indicate “no ebook” but I’m not sure how visible it is really. I could alternatively use icons (e.g. ebook: :white_check_mark: / ebook: :no_entry_sign:) or something. What do you think?

  • Strikethrough is good enough
  • Please use the two icons instead
  • Please use different icons (please comment)
0 voters

Not overjoyed that most of those poll options now span two lines.

We can save a whole lot of room by converting this into a hexadecimal string. Let’s say a novel is binary 1, something else is a 0. Similarly the presence of an ebook is 1, or 0 if not. Then (page count in binary) & (novel yes/no) & (level in binary) & (ebook yes/no) = 1011101001111101 = BA7D. Just four characters.

I mean, it’s meaningless to a human reading the thread, but it saves room, and that’s the important thing. :slightly_smiling_face:

Alternately, we could ban the nomination of any book whose title is comprised of twenty-one katakana characters. :stuck_out_tongue:

Or leave out the word “ebook” entirely, and just have, like… :open_book: when there is one and :blue_book: when there isn’t. Or something.


Now you just go ahead and implement that in Excel :slight_smile:


You can hide these, just as a small fyi. They’ll still take up space in the post, but it’ll all be hidden except to the writer of the post and anyone who full-quotes the post:


I love this. But if we’re condensing information why not add more (blurb, star ratings, selected reviews, book providers, author age and place of birth), and just encode everything in a qr code?


How much data have we got? Can we fit an ASCII art version of the cover? :slightly_smiling_face:


I don’t think it really matters as much, as I only need to put them somewhere once, ever. The link works globally, after all. So I could have just inserted them in a whole different thread, or they could have been inserted in the nominations (I thought most nominators already included cover images but I was wrong.)
But thanks anyway!


QR code to the nomination post might be a good idea, as an alternative to Right Click + Open in New Tab / Send Link to Device.


Personally I find that with the cover pictures included, I don’t really need the title or author in the poll.


OK, next attempt:

  • Links now open in a different tab
  • I used the icon :no_mobile_phones: for “no ebook” (and no icon if there is an ebook)
  • I removed the Natively indicator
0 voters

What do you think?

  • It’s getting better…
  • Still not there! (please explain)
0 voters

I think it looks cleaner with all the meta information on a separate line:

0 voters

I like this a lot! There’s even room to add the Natively level back. :smiley:


Great ideas! Let’s try this with the whole poll:

0 voters

The Poll has spoken, and we have a winner :tada:


@Belerith would you like to run the book club?

Sadly, we need to say goodbye to two nominations: 午後の曳航 and 檸檬 dropped out because they scored less than 10% three times in a row. Which means we have plenty of space for new nominations! :sunglasses:

Thank you to all who contributed and voted and discussed in the Poll Layout discussion! I hope that everybody is now more or less happy with the result I posted last (I certainly am!). I’d like to use this layout going forward, but of course, I’m always open to improvements if anybody has new ideas.

Ironically, we now lost the two nominations that were paper-only :crazy_face: So we can’t even feature the new “no ebook” icon design in the next poll…