Absolute Beginners Book Club // Reading Next: Doraemon

Manga are books too, so I’d say so. :stuck_out_tongue:


I believe the usual word for this is “novel”.

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I wouldn’t call fiction/non-fiction story collections a “novel” (at least to me that implies a longer fictional narrative), and that’s what 5 out of 6 non-manga books this club has read are.

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Yeah, this club doesn’t tend to nominate children’s novels these days anyways.

Maybe “prose”, then?

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I feel like using “non-manga book” might be less elegant, but in that instance is the easiest to understand. (I had to look up what “prose” means exactly.)


A Sign of Affection

Natively: Level 21


Yuki Itose is a hearing-impaired university student whose world has been shrouded with silence since birth. She has lived in the same place her whole life, and rarely interacts with others save for her best friend, Rin Fujishiro. During her commute one day, she meets the silver-haired and multilingual Itsuomi Nagi, a mutual friend of Rin. Unlike most, Itsuomi is unwavering when he learns of Yuki’s impairment; this, along with his experiences abroad, fascinates and touches her. After they part, her fondness of him starts to grow. A new world begins to open for both Yuki and Itsuomi as they learn about each other’s different lives.


Physical: Honto | Rakuten | CD Japan | Amazon US | Amazon JP | Kinokuniya JP
Digital: eBook Japan | BookWalker | Amazon Kindle JP

Personal Opinion

This cute romance story really stands out, with a fun adult cast and a well-researched perspective on both a disability and on language learning. While sign language is a main topic, there’s also a lot of approachable Japanese as the characters learn to communicate with each other through lip reading and writing. I’d say the simple language puts this at around the right level for this club.

Pros and Cons


  • Focus on simple, everyday language, seen in a variety of contexts
  • Large font and low text density, with full furigana (much of the time)
  • Story moves forward chapter by chapter
  • Great art
  • Has a recent popular anime adaptation


  • The messages on screens, whiteboards, etc. don’t have furigana. These happen somewhat regularly but are generally brief and simple, so hopefully not too huge of an obstacle.
  • The text for lip-read dialogue is slightly harder to read, with a lighter font color and on rare occasion, a garbled character or two when the speech isn’t understood. This difficulty is intentional, since lip reading is also inexact.


First Three Pages of Chapter One

Additional Pages

I love the way sign language is shown in the art

Examples of screen messages and lip reading


薫る花は凛と咲く - The Fragrant Flower Blooms with Dignity


Chidori High is a boys’ school that takes in the dregs of society with the lowest grades. Next door stands Kikyo Girls’ High, where the wealthy, high-class families send their precious daughters. Chidori second-year Rintaro, who has a fierce face but a gentle heart, is helping at his family’s patisserie when he meets a girl named Kaoruko. The two hit it off right away…but this blissful peace is quickly disturbed when Rintaro discovers that Kaoruko is actually a student at Kikyo. Worse, she doesn’t seem to realize what a huge problem this really is! Will these two be able to forge a path for themselves, and sidestep the traps (metaphorical and literal) laid by their classmates?


Physical: Amazon JP / CD Japan / Kinokuniya
Digital: Bookwalker / Rakuten / Kindle JP

Natively Level: 20

Personal Opinion

The plot is exactly the kind of stuff I gush over. I read to the end of Bookwalker’s preview and intend to finish eventually, but it does seem like it’s at the upper limit for this club: there weren’t many pages with no text, and there’s a good amount of super casual speech. But the mcs are both precious and cute, plus there’s an anime coming next year so it must be pretty popular.

Pros and Cons for the Book Club


  • High school setting, vocab should be easy
  • Hardly any handwritten text, in the 31 page preview I counted five pages, and four of those were just sound effects
  • Anime hype train


  • Art is simplistic and nothing special
  • We may be getting tired of romance by now


First Three (actually four) Pages of Chapter One

Additional Pages


I’ve been following this one, it’s super wholesome and Kaoruko is just adorable

Would recommend

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Yeah when she was introduced I was in awe at how cute she is!

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The art also gets better and more detailed as the manga goes on, with very detailed closeups of Kaoruko smiling :smile:

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If you’re interested in trying out something a little harder than the ABBC, then the BBC is now voting for its next book:


~really~ hoping ルックバック wins this poll even though I think it’s a slim chance. I’ve had the manga on my shelf for months and just saw the movie and loved it!!

thank you for this!

I’ll be posting the poll tomorrow, so if anyone has some last minute nominations feel free to sneak them in.


Welp, the local japanese bookstore has none of the currently leading books. But who knows which one will win in the end ?

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Voting time, what a happy time!

:ballot_box: Calling all voters! :ballot_box:

Cast your ballot below for the next club pick! You will have 5 votes which you can change until the poll closes on 2024-11-05T18:00:00Z

The start date for the next pick is tentatively December 14th, which would be one week after the end of the current club.

List of Nominees


Book Title Description Natively
日本の昔ばなし Japanese Folk Tales Collection Vol 1 (Issun-boshi and other stories) L??
もしかしたら名探偵 Detective Milky Sugiyama L16
10分で読めるこわい話1年生 10 minute reader - Scary stories (1st grade reader) L16?


Manga Title Description Natively
こばと Kobato L20?
あしょんでよッ ~うちの犬ログ Let’s Plaaay - Our Dog, Log L13
藤本タツキ短編集 17-21 Fujimoto Tatsuki Short Story Collection 17-21 L23
ふだつきのキョーコちゃん Fudatsuki no Kyoko-chan L18
ギャルと恐竜 Gal & Dino L18
今日から始める幼なじみ Will you be my childhood friend? L17
ネトゲの嫁が人気アイドルだった My wife in an online game is a popular idol L19?
花野井くんと恋の病 A Condition Called Love L20
桜井さんは気づいてほしい Sakurai-san wants to be noticed! L15
ドラえもん Doraemon L22
絶対に風呂に入りたくない彼女VS絶対に風呂に入れたい彼氏 Girlfriend who never wants to take a bath vs. boyfriend who definitely wants to put her into the bath L17
あしたは土曜日 春・夏 Tomorrow is Saturday L19
ゆびさきと恋々 A Sign of Affection L21
薫る花は凛と咲く The Fragrant Flower Blooms with Difficulty L20

Browse the list on Natively

Book poll 15
  • Japanese Folk Tales Collection Vol 1 (Issun-boshi and other stories)
  • Detective Milky Sugiyama
  • 10 minute reader - Scary stories (1st grade reader)
  • Kobato
  • Let’s Plaaay - Our Dog, Log
  • Fujimoto Tatsuki Short Story Collection 17-21
  • Fudatsuki no Kyoko-chan
  • Gal & Dino
  • Will you be my childhood friend?
  • My wife in an online game is a popular idol
  • A Condition Called Love
  • Sakurai-san wants to be noticed!
  • Doraemon
  • Girlfriend who never wants to take a bath vs. boyfriend who definitely wants to put her into the bath
  • Tomorrow is Saturday
  • A Sign of Affection
  • The Fragrant Flower Blooms with Difficulty
0 voters

You did this on purpose, didn’t you ಠ_ಠ


Just seemed like a good day for an election. For no reason.

No, I really didn’t mean to and I only noticed when I put in the closing date. Oops.


At least we can use this poll to ignore the much more stressful poll