Absolute Beginners Book Club // Reading Next: Card captor Sakura

I made a post to gauge interest in whether people are interested in doing a read aloud through Discord: Read Aloud Group for the Absolute Beginners Book Club.

When you said thread, I assume this is what you meant @soggyboy. I am new to the community haha.


One day left of voting!






I’m there for that Granny energy!! :older_woman:


And the winner is…

老女的少女ひなたちゃん Granny Girl Hinata chan!


@araigoshi are you good to run the threads for this book?


Yeah, I’ll put up a schedule poll and a home thread this weekend. The chapter layout is not making for a nice way to line up the usual slowly increasing pace while having chapter ends correspond to reading pace, so will poll on which people prefer


As for the schedule, the book is divided up like so:

Chapter Pages
1 3-22 (20)
2 23-41 (18)
3 42-61 (20)
4 61-78 (18)
5 79-94 (16)
6 95-112 (18)
7 113-132 (20)
8 133-150 (18)
9 151-169 (20)
Bonus 170-173 (4)

So if we want to assure all chapter breaks align with reading weeks, we could do something like this:

Option 1: By Chapter

Week # Date Chapter Page #s Pages with Text
1 March 9th 1 pt 1 3-9 6
2 March 16th 1 pt 2 10-15 6
3 March 23rd 1 pt 3 16-22 7
4 March 30th 2 pt 1 23-31 9
5 April 6th 2 pt 2 32-40 9
6 April 13th 3 pt 1 40-49 9
7 April 20th 3 pt 2 50-60 9
8 April 27th 4 61-78 17
9 May 4th 5 79-94 16
10 May 11th 6 95-103 8
11 May 18th 6 part 2 103-112 9
12 May 25th 7 113-132 16
13 June 1st 8 133-150 17
14 June 8th 9 part 1 151-163 12
15 June 15th 9 part 2 + bonus 164-174 9

The pros here is reading weeks line up neatly with chapters, the cons is the heaviest workload is in the middle (weeks 8, 9, 10) rather than at the end as the club aims for

Option 2: Steadier Increase

Week # Date Chapter Page #s Pages with Text
1 March 9th 1 pt 1 3-9 6
2 March 16th 1 pt 2 10-16 6
3 March 23rd 1 pt 3 17-23 7
4 March 30th 2 pt 1 24-33 10
5 April 6th 2 pt 2 34-41 8
6 April 13th 3 pt 1 42-51 9
7 April 20th 3 pt 2 52-60 8
8 April 27th 4 pt 1 61-76 15
9 May 4th 4 pt 2 / 5 pt 1 77-89 11
10 May 11th 5 pt 2 / 6 pt 1 90-102 11
11 May 18th 6 pt 2 103-112 10
12 May 25th 7 pt 1 113-127 13
13 June 1st 7 pt 2 / 8 pt 1 128-143 12
14 June 8th 8 pt 2 / 9 pt 1 144-158 13
15 June 15th 9 pt 2 / bonus 159-174 15

Option 3 (One speed change)

Week # Date Chapter Page #s Pages with Text
1 March 9th 1 pt 1 3-9 6
2 March 16th 1 pt 2 10-15 6
3 March 23rd 1 pt 3 16-22 7
4 March 30th 2 pt 1 23-31 9
5 April 6th 2 pt 2 32-40 9
6 April 13th 3 pt 1 40-49 9
7 April 20th 3 pt 2 50-60 9
8 April 27th 4 61-78 17
9 May 4th 5 79-94 16
10 May 11th 6 95-112 17
11 May 18th 7 113-132 16
12 May 25th 8 133-150 17
13 June 1st 9 + bonus 151-174 21

(Disclaimer, I counted pages with text manually)

  • Option 1 (15 weeks, Align Chapters)
  • Option 2 (15 weeks, Steadier Increase)
  • Option 3 (13 weeks, One Speed Change)
0 voters

How about:

Week # Date Chapter Page #s Pages with Text
1 March 9th 1 pt 1 3-9 6
2 March 16th 1 pt 2 10-15 6
3 March 23rd 1 pt 3 16-22 7
4 March 30th 2 pt 1 23-31 9
5 April 6th 2 pt 2 32-40 9
6 April 13th 3 pt 1 40-49 9
7 April 20th 3 pt 2 50-60 9
8 April 27th 4 61-78 17
9 May 4th 5 79-94 16
10 May 11th 6 95-112 17
11 May 18th 7 113-132 16
12 May 25th 8 133-150 17
13 June 1st 9 + bonus 151-174 21

That’s has a slow start, then a small increase, a faster finish once everbody is used to it, and it’s by chapter without any ups and downs.


Yeah, none of this reading from the middle of one chapter to the middle of the next…

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I guess my one worry with that is 15-20 pages a week for the entire second half of the book felt like a lot for the book club? I’ll add it as option 3 to the poll though

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I needed to recreate the poll as it’s been more than 5 minutes, sorry to the person who already voted.

It’s a pretty normal number for L20 for this club, I think. E.g.: それでも歩は寄せてくる ・ When will Ayumu Make his Move? ♟ - Volume 1

If people struggle it can still be changed. The thing is that nobody thinks they are ready for it until it happens and it turns out it’s completely fine.

There’s also barely a difference between it and your Option 1 - I only merged week 10+11 (which you split for some reason, despite it being the same or almost the same as week 8 and 9) and 14+15 (which is at the end, so it should be fine anyway).

(Also 15 weeks is very long.)


Basically I originally had it just shfiting to 1 chapter a week similar to your proposal, looked at the 21 pages for the last one and thought it was too long and split it, then looked at the long run of heavy chapters and picked chapter 6 to split as it is the densest in text from a quick scan and also gave a breather in the middle of the run.

This was a worry, but Okami-chan, Mitsuboshi Colours and Horimiya were all also 15 weeks.

Anyway, I voted for your option :slight_smile: I’ll put whatever is the leading option (which is currently yours) in the home post tomorrow


I’m glad this book was selected. It looks cute. I don’t have time to read it right now but I think I will get it for the future.

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I’d rather recommend splitting week 8 of my proposal to keep the speed/increases steady then if that is a worry.

But I think after 7 weeks, 17 pages per week are probably doable. (And if not a poll at the end of week 8 and a schedule adjustment would take care of that. Which is by the way also how Mitsuboshi Colours got to 15 weeks, if I remember correctly.)


I’ve now posted the home thread: 老女的少女ひなたちゃん・Little Granny Girl Hinata-chan 👩‍👧 ー Starting March 9th (Absolute Beginner Book Club)


Small cosmetic change: bolded the titles on the list of previous picks that continued as offshoot bookclubs so they’re easier to see.


Small update on this.

I’m slowly reading 世にも奇妙な商品カタログ. I’m not going super fast (mostly because I don’t spend that much time reading each week), but it’s indeed quite approachable, using only my kobo integrated dict a couple times per page. :slight_smile:

Story’s engaging enough, I’m genuinely curious to see where this is going. :+1: