スキップ・ビート!Vol 5 discussion thread

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スキップ・ビート!Reading Club


Reading schedule

Start date Pages Chapter
28 Feb 5-36 ACT 24
7 Mar 37-66 ACT 25
14 Mar 67-96 ACT 26
21 Mar 97-126 ACT 27
28 Mar 127-158 ACT 28
4 Apr 159-188 ACT 29


My favorite words and expressions for 24 chapter:

危ない橋を渡る - to tread on thin ice; to go out on a limb; to walk a tightrope; to take risks; to cross a dangerous bridge
根に持つ - to hold a grudge; to hold something against somebody
執念深い - vindictive; tenacious; persistent; spiteful; vengeful

I want to try sharing my favorite vocab items for each chapter, but I’m probably the only one who’s reading this volume, so not sure if makes sense

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Those all seem like particularly great picks for this series so far. :grin:

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My choice for ACT 25 best vocab:

一心同体 being one in body and soul; of one flesh; two hearts beating as one - I like this most, it suits this manga a lot, but may be it is not that obvious for now
金に糸目をつけない (doing something) regardless of expense
くつろぐ to relax; to feel at home​
心細い helpless; forlorn; hopeless; unpromising; lonely; discouraging; disheartening​

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I love the vocab from ACT 26! There are many fighting and wild life words :slight_smile:

戦闘態勢 combat readiness; battle readiness; fighting trim
闘争心 belligerence; fighting spirit
刃向かう to strike back at; to bite back; to turn on; to rise against; to oppose; to defy
ぶつかる to strike against; to collide with; to bump into; to conflict
立ち向かう to fight against; to oppose; to face
立ちはだかる to stand in the way (e.g. of progress); to obstruct

草食動物 herbivore
leopard (Panthera pardus)​
獲物 prey; catch; kill; game
弱肉強食 survival of the fittest; the law of the jungle; the weak are meat the strong do eat​|
大草原 great plain; prairie; steppe; savanna; pampa

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Not so many phrases from ACT 27:

喰らいつく to get one’s teeth into (metaphorically); to get to grips with; to really get into
足げにする to kick; to treat (a person) poorly; to walk all over (someone)

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I’ve finished both ACT 28 and ACT 29 (because there were hardly any text), so here is the combined list:

絶命 end of life; death; annihilation
信頼 reliance; trust; faith; confidence
筋が通る to make sense; to be consistent; to be logical; to stand to reason; to be coherent
買い被り to overestimate (someone)
及ぶ to compare with; to be a match (for)

Next week will be off, which is not bad, I’ll try to go for a walk more often

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