A notification system

I am extremely active on discord and am trying to create a system to remind me everytime I have reviews on discord. I successfully created it and hosted it on GCP, but just a day of running it where it checked for reviews every 30 minutes costed money (it was a very small amount tbf). Would anyone know any ways of hosting this for free? I ideally do not want to spend any money on this because its just a QOL feature. This is just a python script sending a get req to the API every 30 minutes. If it sees a review, it sends a post req to a discord webhook that posts a message on a personal discord server.

Edit: I was using a scheduler and a cloud run func

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Not super relevant but aren’t reviews updated every hour?

Yep they are, but i want to be reminded every 30 minutes, which is why I have set things up this way.

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I think oracle cloud (as much as recommending the lawnmower sucks) has a free tier that has some basic compute resources. You’d need to deploy a VPS and use something like a systemd timer to launch your script rather than higher level cloud APIs though.

Zapier also has a wanikani integration in a ifttt like service, but not sure their free tier includes everything you need.


Ill try oracle out then

I tried this but it has a limit of 1000 messages after which it just stops.

How about things like Travis CI, Circle CI or GitHub Actions?

How about a wristwatch and turn the beep on that happens every hour

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Would those work for my use case? Arent they tools used for deployment? Im not sure im asking.

iirc, it can be set to run every hour (though not sure about Actions).

but do they have the ability to execute scripts and allow for http reqs?

I might end up just doing this haha, everything just looks painfully complicated here to me

I haven’t tried doing such an app, but I’m wondering whether Amazon Lambda might support such a thing in their free tier (or other ‘serverless’ systems).

I believe that you can run a python script - and use a repeating rate time-based event trigger - but I’m unsure of whether you could invoke the API calls.

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I’ll try looking into this

IFTTT can send messages to Discord, but I can’t tell from the web site if you can make a custom trigger, or if you’re limited to the services they already have.

Thanks for the suggestion ill look into it!