A Dictionary of Japanese Grammar [aDoJG] 💮 Reading Club // [Currently reading the Advanced edition]

Perfect, sounds like we’re all aligned. I would like a long break too :slight_smile:
So let’s read the last one from January, in case no one volunteers to take over I can do it :slight_smile:


I’ve been reading through the appendices, but because they’re primarily collections of example sentences for each compound verb or compound particle they’re quite dry, and I haven’t been making very fast progress through them. I’m about halfway through appendix 3 at the moment; not really much to say about them.


I read them before we started but can’t remember much now, maybe I will brush through them again!


I would gratefully pass the torch if you’re willing, @Akashelia. No need to promise anything yet, of course. I’m happy I could help lead the club. However, it turns out that even with phone reminders, etc, I had some struggles with leading the club and sort of burned out towards the end.

Definitely had a harder time with this volume. Personally I have shifted my Japanese study focus to immersion over “textbook” style learning, and it felt like the information I was reading just had no reason to stick. At first I did find it interesting, but then it became a slog. Perhaps it’s where I am in my understanding / comprehension of grammar, or perhaps I have found that I just prefer a different style of learning.

Still, thanks for letting me drag the baton over the finish line (almost! Technically, one more week!). I know I was not a perfect club leader, but again, I am happy to have contributed.


Also, please allow me to post the belated and final thread for this volume:

Cheers, everyone. :slight_smile:


I will soon make the thread and the schedule for the Advanced edition, so you can all start thinking if you have any wishes related to the structure, to the pace, to the start date or to anything else :slight_smile:


I’ll try to speedrun the intermediate one before January then :saluting_face:


Same, my goal is to finish the intermediate version before the advanced version starts :running_woman::dash:


The Basic and Intermediate edition don’t have their own home post so not sure if I should create one for the Advanced one or if it’s fine to discuss the details here?

I made the list of entries:

227 entries
# entry index
1 あえて a
2 あげく(に) a
3 あくまでも a
4 あながち~ない a
5 あるいは a
6 あたかも a
7 ばかりに b
8 ばこそ b
9 べからず/べからざる b
10 べく b
11 べくもない b
12 べくして b
13 ちなみに c
14 だけ d
15 だけあって d
16 だけに d
17 だけのことわある d
18 だに d
19 だの d
20 だって d
21 だって d
22 であれ d
23 ~であれ~であれ d
24 でも/じゃあるまいし d
25 ~でも[Wh-word]でも d
26 どちらかと言うと d
27 どうか d
28 どころではない d
29 ども d
30 どうにも~ない d
31 同士 d
32 が早いか g
33 ~が~なら g
34 ごとし g
35 反面 h
36 はたして h
37 ひいては h
38 一[Counter]として~ない h
39 ひとつ h
40 一つには h
41 一応 h
42 いかん(だ) i
43 いかなる i
44 いかに i
45 いくら i
46 いまさら i
47 一方(だ) i
48 一方(で) i
49 以来 i
50 一切~ない i
51 一旦 i
52 言ってみれば i
53 言うまでもない i
54 言わば i
55 いわゆる i
56 自体 j
57 限りだ k
58 かい/がい k
59 か否か k
60 かな k
61 かのように k
62 から言って k
63 からなる k
64 からには k
65 からして k
66 仮に k
67 かと思うと k
68 かつ k
69 きらいがある k
70 っきり k
71 っけ k
72 この上ない k
73 ことか k
74 ことから k
75 ことに k
76 加えて k
77 まで(のこと)だ m
78 まして(や) m
79 また m
80 滅多に~ない m
81 見るからに m
82 ~も[V]ば~も[V] m
83 ものではない m
84 ものか m
85 ものか m
86 ものなら m
87 ものの m
88 ものを m
89 もさることながら m
90 もしくは m
91 もっとも m
92 向け m
93 むしろ m
94 ないでもない n
95 ないことには n
96 ないまでも n
97 ないし(は) n
98 中を n
99 なくして(は) n
100 なまじ(っか) n
101 並み n
102 なん[(Number)+Counter]も n
103 何~ない n
104 何も~ない n
105 何らかの n
106 何ら~ない n
107 なんて n
108 なんて n
109 何とか n
110 なお n
111 なおさら n
112 ならでは(の) n
113 並びに n
114 なり n
115 なるほど n
116 なしに n
117 なす n
118 なぜか n
119 なぜなら(ば)~からだ n
120 んばかり(に) n
121 願う/願います n
122 にひきかえ n
123 にいたっては n
124 にかかわらず n
125 にかけては n
126 に難くない n
127 に決まっている n
128 に越したことはない n
129 に/ともなると n
130 に向けて/向けた n
131 ~に~ない n
132 に(も)なく n
133 に応じて/応じた n
134 にしろ/せよ n
135 にしたところで n
136 にして n
137 にして n
138 にしてからが n
139 にしても n
140 にとどまらず n
141 につけ n
142 にわたって/わたる n
143 によらず n
144 によると n
145 のみならず n
146 のなんのって n
147 のなさ n
148 ~の~のと n
149 んとする n
150 を中心に o
151 を介して/介した o
152 を禁じ得ない o
153 をめぐって/めぐる o
154 思えば o
155 をものともせず o
156 思うに o
157 をおいてほかに(は)~ない o
158 折(に) o
159 恐れがある o
160 を問わず o
161 及び o
162 およそ o
163 をよそに o
164 さも s
165 更に s
166 さて s
167 さぞ(かし) s
168 そもそも(の) s
169 そのもの s
170 それだけ s
171 それなりに/の s
172 末(に) s
173 済む s
174 ただ t
175 ただし t
176 たかが t
177 たなり(で) t
178 単位で t
179 単に t
180 たるや t
181 (っ)たって t
182 (っ)たって t
183 てばかりはいられない t
184 ~ても~ても t
185 て仕方がない t
186 てはいられない t
187 とあって t
188 とあっては t
189 とばかりに t
190 とでも言うべき t
191 といえども t
192 ~といい~といい t
193 といった t
194 といったところだ t
195 と言って t
196 と言うか t
197 と言うのは t
198 ~と言わず~と言わず t
199 ところから t
200 ともなく t
201 ともすると t
202 との t
203 とても~ない t
204 とは t
205 とは言え t
206 つい t
207 ついでに t
208 ついては t
209 (と言)ったらない t
210 はあれ w
211 は別として w
212 はいいとしても w
213 割に(は) w
214 ーわーわ w
215 や否や y
216 やら y
217 ~やら~やら y
218 ようでは y
219 ようものなら y
220 ようにも(~ない) y
221 より/のほか(に)(は)~ない y
222 よし y
223 ようと/が y
224 故に y
225 ずにはおかない z
226 ずして z
227 ずとも z

I’m thinking to keep the same structure as before, so there will be a thread for A-E, E-H, etc, (depending on how many entries by letters, I didn’t look at the breakdown in details yet).

The things I would like to have input on is at which date should we start:

  • 4 January
  • 11 January
  • 18 January
  • 25 January
0 voters

and how many entries per week should we read?

  • 6 per week (37 weeks)
  • 7 per week (32 weeks)
  • 8 per week (28 weeks)
0 voters

I’m still deciding if I’ll join for the next one. I haven’t finished the intermediate dictionary yet (still about 100 pages of annex to go) and I know that it costs me a daily effort which I could be using for other resources. I’ll think on it for a while and maybe vote by the end of the year.

Is there anyone around who has read all 3 dictionaries? Did you find it worth? What were your impressions of the last one?


I have read the first two and have started the last one, 50 entries so far.
My impressions is that there are way less fundamental entries in this one than in the first two. Some things are very formal written language so their usefulness is debatable in my case. Some things are more useful. The example sentences are even better than in the two previous volumes as they are real sentences picked by the author from the Internet (sometimes they are really tough).
All in all I wouldn’t say that your Japanese studies will fail if you skip reading it but I wouldn’t say that it’s a waste of time to read it either :slight_smile: (also you can always just skim the list I posted above and decide which entries you are interested in reading)


This is one of the reasons why I love this volume.

Although the example sentences are often long and complicated, there are so many of them and they are drawn from such a great variety of contexts that you come away with a much better sense of how the grammar points are used.


So far, the voting says start date is January 11 and 6 entries per week. I hope you all know that this means the club will be running for 37 weeks, that is until end of September next year :sweat_smile:


Only the bravest shall survive the journey to Grammar enlightenment but I believe in our band of merry participants!


We are starting in two days one week and two days! Updated the first post with the schedule. The first three weeks are for the different intro parts and then the main entries start from Feb 1st.


I thought we were starting on 11th?

I’m still trying to finish the last one and was targeting then.

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Me too, then I saw January 4th somewhere else and got confused. But you’re right the poll says January 11 so let’s move it back to that! Will update title / first post / previous comment in a moment

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Awesome thanks! That gives me the motivation to do my grammar point for today! (Have 10 left, plus some of the appendixes, and just finished work for the day)


And the first thread is up :slight_smile:


I’m grateful for starting today rather than last week - I only have 4 of the main items to go, and I’ve nearly finished appendix 2.