Wanikanify - A Google Chrome Extension

viet said... Not to derail the awesomeness of this tool, but it gave me an idea for a not-so-what similar extension...

How about an extension that would lightly highlight Japanese vocabulary (learned from WaniKani) on any webpage.. Like on a Japanese website per se. It gives a visual on how much you've progressed on your WaniKani studies. Kind of cool to see how the vocabulary learned on the WaniKani is used out in the wild.

If someone can figure out how to parse it, it would be fun to see what percentage of the kanji on the page you know too.
 Or maybe something that just did kanji? Unless there was a way to deal with conjugations and such, which there may be, but if it was just kanji it would give you an idea of what you should be able to read, etc, and then not have the issue with vocab conjugations, weird internet grammars, and so on.
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