Wanikani Reorder Ultimate [old version, not working]

Yabba said...
xMunch said...
mikemiller929 said... xMunch -

Is there a place in the your code where I could get it to arrange my lessons alphabetically (on meaning)?

It is probably not a feature most people should or would use, but it would make my learning method a lot easier. I "memorize" the whole level (over a few days) and then "learn" it all on one day. If I could arrange alphabetically then I could "memorize" and "learn" on the same day rather than cramming all the "learning" into one day.

I don't see it being a feature for most people so don't waste a bunch of time on it... if there is a spot I can inject a .sort() method or the like that would be awesome though. :)

 Too much sorting doesn't make it random enough where you're actually learning the material.  Instead of memorizing the material itself you're more or less memorizing a pattern.
 I agree with this. the lesson ordering is already pushing it but it's so useful :D

I agree at least in part - which is why I say it isn't useful for just anyone and to not waste much time on it. It would be very useful for me though.

I recently posted about my methods - /t/My-method-for-WaniKani-striving-for-effectiveness-and-efficiency/8700/1 - if it helps clarify why it would help me.

I only care about the alphabetical order for lessons so the randomness would take over in reviews anyways (I don't sort reviews except for clearing levels).

As for the objection of learning patterns - If you are doing it the way I do - you are learning connections more than patterns and only using that until SRS puts it into your head. Memory is all about connections so it actually works out great :)

Again - I agree that it probably isn't a good idea for most users but it would help me tremendously. Thus me not asking for a push to the code, but for any recommends for me to modify the code myself. I dug through the code a bit and best I could tell is the "meanings" never touch the reordering, it is just looking up the UUID's to filter and sort. I wasn't sure if the structure of the program would easily allow a .sort() on the meanings which would be all I need.

(I already modify activeQueue = fullQueue.splice(0, queueSize); to let me learn the whole lessons at once.)