Level 11! Goodbye Pleasant levels, hello Painful levels…
Level up! My wanikani level is old enough to vote
In almost exactly 900 days (898 to be exact), I went from 1 to 49, then reset and after a 354 day streak:
Preparing Level 60 post
Don’t worry about it, it’s not the accuracy that’s important, what’s really important is that you eventually make it to level 60 - which will undoubtedly happen
Huge congrats!
congratulations!!! looking forward to your post!
Thank you guys!
My Level 60 post here:
900 days on Wanikani
And just one step away from Guruing level 60 Kanji

From then…

A large road ahead to burn every turtle

Level 40! Goodbye cobalt blue, you were nice but cyan blue looks so much better on me
Well, I did promise myself, so I guess I will. Still no level up, but I’m chugging along level 21, slowly. I’m on chapter 7B in JSL, and chapter 3A in JWL. Lately, I feel my listening comprehension has improved, which is nice. I’m still nowhere near where I want to be, but I feel like I can see some light in the end of the metaphorical tunnel.
Good luck everyone, we’re all gonna make it, huh.
At 11 days and one hour, level 40 has become my fastest level since my big reset almost a year ago:
Finally a blue bar after all that purple.
Well, I’ve been on level 21 for a long time now.
July however, is a month where I get to work from home four days a week. This means I don’t have to commute, and this means I can double my speed on Wanikani. All this to say, I’m definitely going to level up in two weeks or so.
Still on chapter 7B in JSL, and 3A in JWL, however I’m getting closer to the end of these chapters.
Not really going that much faster for the “fast” levels right now, just finished level 49 after 11 days, so now I’m in a new bracket on this thread
And maybe you feel somewhat lonely in that 50’s bracket but… Lvl 60 is just around the corner
Keep the good work
I know at least one other person is actually ahead of me and they just stopped updating their place in the leaderboard, so not entirely as alone as it ooks there
I leveled up. It only took me 73 days.
On chapter 8A in JSL, 3B in JWL. I definitely spend time each day studying but it feels so slow at this point. Certain reviews of JSL say there’s an explosion of understanding around chapter 13-16 though, so I guess I’ll just have to keep on keeping on.
JSL- Does JSL stand for japanese sign language?
Or am i missing something?
Ah, I’m keeping that more for my own retrospection, but JSL is short for Japanese the Spoken Language, which is a set of textbooks. JWL is its companion book, Japanese the Written Language. Sorry for not being clearer about that.
Don’t be.
I just thought JSL stood for japanese sign langauge after I got into a rabbit hole after watching silent voice. I think JSL as Japanese spoken language might be more popular abbreviation. I am just dumb.