9 Months of WaniKain in 2 Minutes and 43 seconds (A visualization)

I’ve put the tool up now (Windows only at the moment sorry =P), hope you all enjoy.

BreadstickNinja said…

c0n5pir4cy said…

BreadstickNinja said…
That’s awesome! How do I run the php code you posted? I tried running from the PHP command line and got an undefined function error. But I really want to see my progress!

 Whats the error you're getting, is it curl_init is undefined? you might need to install php5-curl.
Edit: Okay, got curl working, saved the output to a text file, now trying to get it into gource. Is there any chance you could post your log file so that I know what format mine should be in? My output looks like this but I assume I need some kind of header or something. I'd love your help if you can suggest how to fix it up!
 You should just be able to drag and drop it into gource =).
Shudouken said... Is the song by source?
Haven't heard them in some time but it sounds like their voice
 The songs by Dragon Ash, it runs during the credits of Battle Royale.

i’m level 4 but very surprised to see the number of vocabulary grow much faster that the number of kanji

Amazing progress in a very cool video! Nice work man :wink:

This is pretty cool :slight_smile:

Isn’t gource used for VCS visualization?  Imaginative way of using it!

Eddie said... This is pretty cool :)

Isn't gource used for VCS visualization?  Imaginative way of using it!
 Haha, yes, one of the directors of the company wanted to use it for a presentation so I've been playing with it for about a week.  At lunch one afternoon I thought "Well WaniKani is a pretty cool data source, I'll see what I can do with it". 

charuri's idea would be pretty cool, but a bit harder to build as the API doesn't give relations between radicals -> kanji (and because WaniKani uses custom radicals its quite hard to map).

Has anyone tried the app yet? if so let me know how it's working (the codes a bit messy). =)

Neat little video.  It’s almost like watching a flower grow :slight_smile:  You water the radicals (the stem), kanji (the leaves), and vocabulary (the flower).  Before long, after constant nurturing, you have quite a fine looking plant!  The level 50 visualization must be quite a monster flower.  

Thanks for the input, I still couldn’t get mine to display the kanji properly! I set the file encoding a number of different ways but to no avail. I’ll check out the tool and see if that works better for me.

BreadstickNinja said... Thanks for the input, I still couldn't get mine to display the kanji properly! I set the file encoding a number of different ways but to no avail. I'll check out the tool and see if that works better for me.
 Ahhh, sorry I completely forgot! you need to swap the font file out for something that has Kanji in it. Its in the data folder of Gource, you just need to replace the font in there with another (and give it the same name).

This is fantastic. It’s just absolutely great and tremendously motivating to be able to watch one’s progress in a form such as this. Thank you so much for making the code available.

Very cool!

c0n5pir4cy said...
Eddie said... This is pretty cool :)

Isn't gource used for VCS visualization?  Imaginative way of using it!
 Haha, yes, one of the directors of the company wanted to use it for a presentation so I've been playing with it for about a week.  At lunch one afternoon I thought "Well WaniKani is a pretty cool data source, I'll see what I can do with it". 

charuri's idea would be pretty cool, but a bit harder to build as the API doesn't give relations between radicals -> kanji (and because WaniKani uses custom radicals its quite hard to map).

Has anyone tried the app yet? if so let me know how it's working (the codes a bit messy). =)
 I tried it out and it worked flawlessly! Very cool, thanks for doing it :D
c0n5pir4cy said...
BreadstickNinja said... Thanks for the input, I still couldn't get mine to display the kanji properly! I set the file encoding a number of different ways but to no avail. I'll check out the tool and see if that works better for me.
 Ahhh, sorry I completely forgot! you need to swap the font file out for something that has Kanji in it. Its in the data folder of Gource, you just need to replace the font in there with another (and give it the same name).
 Gotcha! I figured it might just be using a font without unicode support, but couldn't figure out how to set a new one from the command line. At any rate, your downloadable tool worked perfectly so I'm all set. Thanks for your help!

Hey there,
really great tool you built there! I like it. ^^

However, this account exists since end of August 2012, but I didn’t decide to subscribe until around November 2013… Therefore, there now is a reeeeeaaaally long period of time where almost nothing happens in the video. It’s boring to wait that long for the interesting part. :/

Would it be possible to automatically skip dates if nothing happened there?

Well I tried the tool you linked but it capped out at September when the video file got too large; I guess I’ll try again in a smaller resolution.

amclean said... Well I tried the tool you linked but it capped out at September when the video file got too large; I guess I'll try again in a smaller resolution.
 Yeah, it creates huge files, I had to compress it again with VLC after I made it. I'm going to try make the next version compress it a bit more because I want to see other peoples videos =) (It works a lot better on the Mac/Linux version I made my video from and doesn't spawn a huge 50GB temp file =( )

Dragonflyz said... Hey there,
really great tool you built there! I like it. ^^

However, this account exists since end of August 2012, but I didn't decide to subscribe until around November 2013... Therefore, there now is a reeeeeaaaally long period of time where almost nothing happens in the video. It's boring to wait that long for the interesting part. :/

Would it be possible to automatically skip dates if nothing happened there?
 Yep, it's actually a feature of Gource, I'll add it into the next version as a check box =).
c0n5pir4cy said...
amclean said... Well I tried the tool you linked but it capped out at September when the video file got too large; I guess I'll try again in a smaller resolution.
 Yeah, it creates huge files, I had to compress it again with VLC after I made it. I'm going to try make the next version compress it a bit more because I want to see other peoples videos =) (It works a lot better on the Mac/Linux version I made my video from and doesn't spawn a huge 50GB temp file =( )

Dragonflyz said... Hey there,
really great tool you built there! I like it. ^^

However, this account exists since end of August 2012, but I didn't decide to subscribe until around November 2013... Therefore, there now is a reeeeeaaaally long period of time where almost nothing happens in the video. It's boring to wait that long for the interesting part. :/

Would it be possible to automatically skip dates if nothing happened there?
 Yep, it's actually a feature of Gource, I'll add it into the next version as a check box =).
 It seemed to cap out at 4GB which I was able to transcode down to 9MB.

EDIT: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1303018/wanikani_video_small.mp4

My level 4 self praises you! That was Fantastic I thoroughly enjoyed it. May your journey continue until you stand upon the pinnacle of success my friend !

I forgot to mention that I doubled the speed when I transcoded it because it was 5 minutes long.

Ended up expanding my Python library I already had for querying against WaniKani to render the gource input

Still playing with the rendering settings but I have a first draft uploading to YouTube now.

wk gource > ~/Desktop.wk.txt #My library generating the gource log
gource -c 4 --file-idle-time 0 --seconds-per-day 0.1  ~/Desktop/wk.txt -o ~/Desktop/wk.ppm
ffmpeg -y -r 60 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i ~/Desktop/wk.ppm -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 1 -threads 0 -bf 0 ~/Desktop/wk.mp4

On OSX, I initially had issues with the fonts, which I solved this way

cd /usr/local/share/gource/fonts/
mv FreeSans.ttf{,.bak}
ln -s /System/Library/Fonts/ヒラギノ明朝 ProN W6.otf FreeSans.ttf

Pretty hacky but seemed to work for my use

Edit: Realized a bug in my script filtered out burned items. Will have to fix that and re-render things ^^;

Edit 2:


A different style rendering with things clustered around levels.

amclean said... I forgot to mention that I doubled the speed when I transcoded it because it was 5 minutes long.
 Cheers, that was awesome to watch =)
kfdm said... Ended up expanding my Python library I already had for querying against WaniKani to render the gource input

Still playing with the rendering settings but I have a first draft uploading to YouTube now.

wk gource > ~/Desktop.wk.txt #My library generating the gource log
gource -c 4 --file-idle-time 0 --seconds-per-day 0.1  ~/Desktop/wk.txt -o ~/Desktop/wk.ppm
ffmpeg -y -r 60 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i ~/Desktop/wk.ppm -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 1 -threads 0 -bf 0 ~/Desktop/wk.mp4

On OSX, I initially had issues with the fonts, which I solved this way

cd /usr/local/share/gource/fonts/
mv FreeSans.ttf{,.bak}
ln -s /System/Library/Fonts/ヒラギノ明朝 ProN W6.otf FreeSans.ttf

Pretty hacky but seemed to work for my use

Edit: Realized a bug in my script filtered out burned items. Will have to fix that and re-render things ^^;

Edit 2:


A different style rendering with things clustered around levels.

 The one clustered around levels starts to look quite interesting when you get to burning O_o.

Yeah, the font that comes bundled with Gource doesn't have the Japanese character set in it (there are a lot of OS fonts that support it too, just not freesans).