📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2023 🌸🌷🌼

:cherry_blossom: Day 34, 5 月 4 日 :herb:

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:jigsaw: Graded Reader: たいへん!!
I think it’s cute how even on the picture where he goes “oh no!” he has a happy smile. The photo shoot must have been fun!

:princess: Tileworld Chronicles - Markus Ascent Chapter 1, p. 19 - 22 (credits)
End of the first chapter! Markus and Celestina go hunting for runestones often, but then one day… dun dun duuun We’ll find out what terrible thing happened next time.

BUT there’s another terrible thing, and it’s that the messages on the runestone mobile phone equivalent are all in Katakana! curls up on the floor :joy: