📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2023 🌸🌷🌼

:cherry_blossom: Day 30, 4 月 30 日 :herb:

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:princess: Tileworld Chronicles - Markus Ascent Chapter 1, p. 3 - 5
Our protagonist starts to travel to the far-off destination. He consults the map; seems we’re going in the right direction. At midday we reach a pond; a great place for a break. Except… :bear: :exclamation: :crossed_swords:

Some rambling about 出

Of particular interest to me are all the words containing 出 like 日の出, ()()し or ()()し, as the Kanji is a bit unintuitive - see the meaning “exit” learned on WaniKani for example. I’ve always had trouble wrapping my head around these vocabs using that definition, until I consulted a German dictionary and saw that “origin” or “source” was also part of it’s meaning.

So the reason the words containing this Kanji seemed so inconsistend was because there is no one-to-one translation and I have to take it as it’s own, new word. Which is why I pay so much attention to words containing it. Also there’s the grammar reading I did for it, which just put another layer of meaning on top of it…