Definitely the other one. I don’t know who would not call Murakami proper literature.
By brain-rot, I was thinking about most light novels I have read (especially 男性向け).
I keep seeing colorful colors and fun-sounding titles, and just grab those books without thinking.
The worst that can happen with 女性向け light novel is that the love interest acts a bit rape-y and it’s shown as romantic. The worst I have seen with 男性向け is that the love interest with the comically large breasts falls head over heel for the male protagonist despite his total lack of well anything. I’m not sure which one I can stand less.
So one of the nights I was having trouble sleeping but also couldn’t focus on reading I grabbed a random free manga off bookwalker, thinking they’d sorted out the adult content since my IP isn’t in JP. Well, they missed that one. It was 女性向け based on the art style of the men but uh, the plot…
the plot
The main character lady was ‘デブ’ and so therefore unattractive except, wait, she has large breasts! And her voice sounds like a porn actress when she’s in distress! Feminine value redeemed.
One day, down on her luck, she ends up accidentally (?!) working in what I can only describe as a cam girl factory, gets freaked out by what’s she’s being asked to do, and makes a run for it. A handsome butler rescues her and then…coerces her into sex. But it’s romantic cause he’s handsome, I guess.
Luckily I’m pretty unfazed by adult content and just enjoyed the utter train wreck of a story, but it was something.
That sounds very much like a TL or 女性 story (especially the part about the main character being a “デブ”; you need the readership to be able to self-insert )
Fun fact: TL and BL is not considered “adult” content by Booklive for the most part. I really need to scroll hard in those categories to find some stuff hidden under a , despite very explicit scenes in the stuff I have read from those categories. I think the content needs to go really above and beyond (like, full zoom on the genitals or something?) to be considered “adult”. Considering that Bookwalker is a sister company of Booklive, I assume they have the same rules?
I do, but I track my pages read in a spreadsheet so for me Bookmeter is just a social thing where I can share what books I’ve consumed (in any format).
Ah, I didn’t really think about that. I always register the print version, even when reading an ebook though. So I guess I’d do the same here if I decide to add it.
Also, page number is kinda arbitrary. It will vary between editions of a given book (i.e. 単行本 vs 文庫本) but the actual content is the same.
It’s just fun to see the numbers go up.
I didn’t enjoy 吸血鬼のお年ごろ. Vampires + mystery has the potential to be fun but this particular vampire family was not to my taste. The fearsome vampire lord turns out to be just a jolly papa, and then he starts dating his college-aged daughter’s classmate and they live their retro sitcom life. I guess it’s a little like the Addams Family, but not as stylish.
Added myself and did some alphabetical rearranging, hopefully I didn’t mess anything up.
On top of the 10 books and 24 manga I also added as goals 4 games in Japanese… I might be setting myself up for failure already but where’s the fun in playing it safe anyway?