[2024] 多読/extensive reading challenge

Since you said romance really isn’t the main focus, I’m curious: Does the relationship between the two characters actually go anywhere? It seems pretty interesting so I kinda wanna give it a read after bakemonogatari.


I’ll just say that one of the colour illustrations at the start of the book shows the two of them kissing


And would that be something to happen at the end or more towards the middle? I feel like its hard to come across series where the relationship reaches that point earlier on.

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That was… way harder to answer without spoiling too much than I thought it would be :laughing: Let’s just say it’s complicated, but if I recall correctly it’s a bit closer to the end.


Also since you seem to be a pretty big yuri fan, have you read/heard of 〆切前には百合が捗る? I was checking it out the other day and it seemed like something I might end up reading. The author is kinda popular for two other series he did but I haven’t read either of those so idk.

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I’ve both heard of and own it, but I haven’t read it myself yet :slight_smile:

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Well if you read it before I do, @ me if you give it a little review on here. It seems pretty cute which is really…basically my entire criteria.

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could have been an interesting twist. i wonder who the general audience of the books is tho. the imprint, pash books, only has one popular book.

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That being said, they have been releasing a bunch of new series in the past few months. They have 88 entries on BookLive… ah, but half of those are free “long preview” versions of their other books.
So, くま4 is registered as “男性向け” on BookLive and so is another of their series, but everything else is 女性向け, which makes me believe that it’s their main target? Since くま4 has no romance whatsoever and some action, I guess it got classified that way, but it might not be what they originally had in mind.


Finished 伯爵と妖精 1. I had very low expectations (given I mostly chose it because 1. completed, 2. acquirable, 3. no fan-service), but found myself unexpectedly interested in the characters and plot. I thought it would be fluffier, and maybe that preconception is why, but the story surprised me a fair amount before it was over. Started the next one.


but she’s always commenting on people breast size… but who cares.

i also had no idea that the illustrator is the same guy person as 働く魔王様

Screenshot_2021-02-25 029 - Anime News Network

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I’m guessing you can’t change your timezone on bookmeter? I just made an account today and I’m undecided whether to recording reading days by my time or Japan time :thinking:

The site works on Japan time (I think we can’t change that, unfortunately), but I’ve been recording by my time, whichever that may be at that time. This way I only have to adjust the date some of the time instead of calculating every time, so that works for me.


I’m confused by what Amazon considers “Literary Criticism & Theory”. :thinking:


Whoops, forgot to update here after finishing 神様! I really enjoyed it, the variety in all the stories meant I never knew what to expect. Every time I finished a chapter I had that weird feeling where I just wanted to lie down and think about it for awhile, which is always a sign of a good story to me.

Now I’ve just started reading ビブリア古書堂の事件手帖, and although I haven’t even finished the first chapter yet, I get the feeling I’m going to love this one too. It’s hard for me to put down; I was actually late to a class this week because I got too wrapped up in reading it! Somehow I think this is the first time reading a book in Japanese has actually felt like what I think of when I imagine reading a book… I’m not quite sure what that means but I’ll take it as a good sign :sweat_smile:


I finished 本好き book 6 earlier today (well, not the extra chapters yet, but whatever). Maybe my favorite so far, but everything kind of blurs together in a series like this, so it’s really hard to say. If I finish tomorrow I’ll have read the book in 14 days, which I think would be my fastest yet. That comes out to an average of 26 pages per day, though one day when I wasn’t working I did read 60 pages.

本好き 6 comments

It’s funny that book 6 was basically the opposite of book 5. Much of book 5 was slow, but the ending was action packed. On the other hand, book 6 was action packed throughout, with a more relaxed ending. Not slow, just back to normal. The ending was uneventful, but nothing really wrong with that since it’s the penultimate volume in the arc. Plus there was that ominous epilogue.

Next week’s a long week for the 狐笛のかなた book club, and I still haven’t gone through all the vocab from 本好き book 5 yet, so I think breaking for the weekend at least is a good idea. I’ll read the extra chapters from book 5 tomorrow, then take the weekend off for 狐笛のかなた and vocab studying, and then I’ll start book 7 sometime next week.



much of the same, but i’m getting tired of the lack of plot. the cuteness and interesting writing can’t make up for lack of originality and interesting event.

reading these five volume was really fun. i had no idea that reading easy[er] material could help this much.


also i had no idea that タケノコ are like that. i thought they were this big

i thought that when she passed the letter of ミレーヌ to the guild master of the capital, she mentioned that it was from a fellow guildmaster.

this rehashing of the facts or assuming that the reader has no memory is bit annoying

なに、宗教の教祖みたいになっているんだけど。わたし、そんなものになるつもりはないよ。 could have been a really fun plot line :stuck_out_tongue:

「海を見にですか?」 ミリーラの住人にとって、海を見に来る感覚がいまいち、分からないようだ。
people who live next to the sea have really no idea how cool the see is.

also are you fucking kidding me.
<You have reached the clipping limit for this item>


You, uh… you don’t think bears are the size of gummi bears, do you?


but gummi worm are more or less real sized


So are you going to keep reading or move on to something else? If something else, looking for another easier LN or back to something harder? (Not that I have anything to recommend.)