[2024] 多読/extensive reading challenge

ビブリア古書堂の事件手帖 series (among others) is currently on sale on BookWalker 50% off until 2020/10/11 and 50% coin return until 2020/10/5


Being far off from Japan’s time zone, bookmeter switches months a day before the month is actually over where I am. I like to see the stats each month, particularly pages a day, and on the last day I get motivated to see how much more I can fit in before the new month starts. Tonight I have a fighting chance of finishing 魔法使いハウルと火の悪魔 (kindle estimates 1hr 10min, so it really depends on my sleepiness levels…), plus at least one manga volume (and possibly two, though not if I finish the novel). I will move those stats up before it really becomes October for me, just you wait, bookmeter!


The fun thing about the month change is that you get stuff like that :joy:
スクリーンショット 2020-10-01 14.32.32

400+ pages a day. Sure :joy:

That being said, I mostly came here to commemorate my 100th Japanese book (活字, manga not included). Last year, I finally reached 50… and now 100 :tada::tada::tada:. I think I’ve been doubling the number of books I’ve read every year since 2015. I assume the trend is going to stop now, though :joy:


What bothers me most* about bookmeter, is that sometimes an entry doesn’t have a number of pages. For example, 不可解なぼくのすべてを:

I know it’s just a manga, but I want these pages anyway :stuck_out_tongue:
I wonder if there’s any way of adding this info? I couldn’t find an option.


Okay, there are other things there are bothering me, too. Like I can add older entries without a date, but they will be counted as if I read them after I created an account. So I had to cheat and spread the older entries evenly in the past using the purchase date as a guide. :smiley: Which looks absurd, because I had my first attempts with reading back in 2010, so my average page number/ever is messed up completely, but I prefer this solution to others.

Congratulations! :confetti_ball: :balloon:


I think when you finish a book you can set the date on which you finished it, so that’s how you can fix this end-of-month issue. (I think it has a grace period anyways; I once finished a book at 2 am Japanese time on the first of a month, and it automatically counted it towards the old month).

There is an option, but I cannot give you screenshots right now, so this is all from memory: I think if you go to the page where your read books are listed, at the top right there is a button that will give you list view. In list view, there is a button to the right of each book, and there you can set or change the number of pages. Or something :sweat_smile:
Also, you can do this already when marking a book as read (there is a button in that dialog that takes you to the same screen? Maybe.)

Anyways, if you cannot find it, I can provide the correct guidance over the weekend. Just shout again :slight_smile:


Found it, thank you~!


@Naphthalene Yes, that is funny to me, too. Especially if it took me a long time to read a book–sure, those 400 pages were all in one day! And congratulations on your milestone! I am very impressed, and if you do end up doubling your total again next year, I will be so impressed I am a little afraid. :grin:

@NicoleIsEnough Yes, that’s what I do! So it’s less of an issue for me and more of a surprise bump in motivation.


I would need to consistently read 2+ books per week :thinking: My current all consuming reading rampage is making me go at 800 pages a week, so it could be possible, but that would mean dedicating 100% of my free time to reading for a year. I don’t think I have the stamina for that.


I believe in you!


I’ve noticed this before but never bothered to look too deeply into it – but just now I went back to check and found that 夜市 (195 pages of prose) was listed as only 16! Unacceptable! I worked hard for those pages darn it!


I’ve found that a lot of books have multiple entries in book meter - the version of 夜市 I logged is listed with 216 pages.


I also see the thing with multiple entries, like @Belerith–my logged copy of 夜市 was 218 pages. I have started doing my search by the ISBN on the amazon.co.jp page for the physical copy, and so far I think that is working out.



I never considered this! Sometimes I search and only the ebooks show up, so it can be a hassle to find the entry for the physical copy. I’ll be doing this from now on, thanks!


I’m glad I complained about it! I thought I remembered 195 pages (it’s such a common number for some reason) but I grabbed my physical copy to check and found that it was indeed 216.

That’s really smart. I’ve noticed sometimes I’ll accidentally find the 試し読み version of a book or something and it’s a pain to figure out which one is correct. Will definitely be using this trick next time.

In unrelated news, I just finished up 鬼滅の刃 vol. 22 and I’m pretty sure this is the penultimate installment. The final chapter was 205 and we just covered 188-196. I’ve been waiting for two months and I read it in two hours…now I have to wait two more months…following a series live is suffering.


Ha, two months? I’ve been caught up on ご注文はうさぎですか since January and I’ll soon be caught up on こみっくがーるず, and they only get one volume a year!


Me: Such behavior would ruin my social life



Just a quick note for all those Night Market fans out there: 雷の季節の終わりに (by the same author) is currently heavily discounted on Bookwalker (only with coins, though).


I was just looking for discounts on Amazon yesterday, but unfortunately that one’s not discounted.


Finally finished first volume of 乙女ゲームの破滅フラグしかない悪役令嬢に転生してしまった…!
(According to Wikipedia, it does have established abbreviation​ - はめふら - but I didn’t notice anyone on WK using it.)

It was really fun, and I do intend on reading further volumes, although I want to do some other things first.
I guess it wouldn’t be officially counted as iyashikei, but for me it worked as one. ^^
I mean it both plot-wise and language-wise, because its low difficulty really did wonders for my reading stamina training and for my confidence with Japanese. I realize it’s not great writing, but I think it’s a great ~first book for beginners. From that point of view, it’s repetitiveness is actually an asset.


I checked Wikipedia expressly to find such abbreviation when I first commented about it here and it was not there. According to the edit history, the abbreviation was added 6 days later. :frowning_face: Now I got used to call it 乙女ゲーム[…]

I’m glad you enjoyed it, though!