[2024] 多読/extensive reading challenge

I might think too much about the etiquette here; but reading goals are my game, so I’ll play by my rules. Read-along type of reading will be progressed in another topic. Being new might need to be a little 恥知らず.

Reading strategy probably will be different from read-long types as well. (I might learn less???)

I think yearly goals are too long; so I will attach importance to tri-monthly, and adapt accordingly. They will be Jan-Mar / Apr-Jun / Jul-Sep / Oct-Dec.

Targets (May-Jun 2022)


  • 1 per three two months shouldn’t be too far-fetched, but I’ll make it 1 per month.
    • Other than 夜カフェ vol.1 (which is actually アウアペース(our=pace), but I just put it here, anyway), I also have 時をかける少女 waiting.


  • I can’t promise 1 chapter everyday, as I am busy on some days. I’ll make it 5 per week.
    • This one is fun; but takes my time on other mangas (that I don’t want to spare). I’ll try to clear this out of the way first.
  • ゆるキャン :tent: (target: 2 volumes)
    • 1 volumes per month should give enough time to research on places and activities; as well as learning vocabularies without Furigana.
  • ジョジョ2 戦闘潮流 (target: 3 volumes)
    • I really want to make it 1 volume per month; and somehow, all of 第二部 within the end of June.


Some that I still want to read (ordered by priority of preferences).

  • それでも歩は寄せてくる - in fact, I have already bought vol.1
  • 鬼滅の刃 - somehow, it is very popular on green tea bottles in my country, and I’ve heard its fame before. Also have read it a little (on ヤンジャン app).
  • ゴールデンカムイ - Read it a little (on ヤンジャン app) and liked it.
  • ヲタクに恋は難しい - I have read more than a little; half of them are translated. Don’t want to keep it hanging.


  • I have just bought SPY x FAMILY vol.1 for free. I’ll see if I like it. Actually only free for 12 days left; but then I read right away a few hours later.

Manga-wise, I also want to read those I don’t know much / have forgotten as well.

I also want to read non-fiction. Maybe this one (which is a part of a long series, too).
