10分で読める物語 二年生 Story 1 (きつねのしゃしん)

I’m very new at this, and I’m thinking I’m not quite knowledgeable enough to do this properly. I know there are at least a few mistakes here, as well as one part that’s just kind of nonsense to me. Anyway though, here’s what I came up with…

PG 5
きつねの しゃしん : 作・あまん きみこ

Fox Photo by Kimiko Aman

山野さんの うつした しゃしんには、 思わぬ ものが うつって いました。

An unexpected thing was photographed in a picture of a hidden mountain.

大きな 山の ごんざ山に、 松ぞうじいさんと いうきこり*が、 まごのとび吉と たつた 二人で すんでいました。

On the big mountain, Mount Gonza, {something something… woodsman…} two people resided.

ごんざ山は、 にの二人の ほかにだれも すんで いません。

On Mount Gonza, no one exists except the two people.

*きこり・・・山に 入り、 木を 切りだす しごとを する 人。

*Woodsman… A person who enters the mountains to cut trees.

As an amusing side note, I tried several different methods to figure out the one sentence and one of the more amusing results I got in one of the Google attempts was: “In a big mountain, a pine snowman named Elephant Matsuzo was living with two people, Tobiyoshi and Nozomi.”

And I’ve realized I have no idea how to pick out proper nouns in Japanese.


Yeah, it really doesn’t help when they’re half written in kana. Plus, I don’t think I’ve ever heard “Matsuzou” as a name before at all. Or anything similar. I haven’t heard “Tobikichi” either, but at least it resembles a name.

How do you figure “hidden mountain”, though?

I started with 「やまのさんの」 and I figured やま was mountain, and I found a random definition of の that meant hidden, and I couldn’t get anything else to make sense from it, so I just kinda ran with it… Now that I’ve seen other people’s translation, it makes much more sense as a name.

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I got something about pine elephants too. I assumed I was wrong :sweat_smile:

I think it’s a problem with trying to literally translate Matsuzou… I think the literal translation I got was something like “pine tree elephant moment heritage” lol

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My first thought was pine statues.

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I’m still not quite sure how people are getting “grandson”. Is 「まご」 an abbreviation of 「まごむすこ」 ?

(I didn’t get that sentence at first and I’m still trying to make sure I understand it all.)

Tobikichi is a boy’s name, and it’s a boy in the image. So yeah, grandson.

Google translate gave me “Tobiyoshi” when I translated “とび吉”. Is that a pronunciation exception? (page 5)

よし is the kun’yomi for 吉 - きち is the on’yomi. You’ll see both in names - for example, 吉田 = よしだ, 勇吉 = ゆうきち. I honestly don’t know what the full kanji of とび吉 is - Google’s just giving me images of fishing lures.


まご means grandchild. WaniKani level 31


Page 6

山の ことは、松ぞうじいさんしか 知って いる 人が いなく なって しまいました。
No sure at all about his one at all

Mountain things, only known by Matsuzou there were people not completely WHAT?? Maybe

There were things in the mountain that only Matsuzou knew?

ある日、まごの とび吉が、町の 人を つれて 小屋に 入って きました。

One day, the grandchild Tobikichi came companied with a person from the town and entered the hut

「おじい、この 人が、きつねの しゃしんを とりたいんだと。」

Granpa, this man (person) wants to take a picture of a fox (if possible)

松ぞうじさんは、まゆを よせ、きゅうに ふきげんな 顔に なって ふりむきました。

Granpa Matsuzou, frowned his eyebrows, his face turned “displeasure” and turned around

I need a better translation :sweat_smile: Sorry for my English


And then he said


I can not figure out how this translates to “if possible”. :neutral_face:

I believe ん Is explanatory tone
And だと だと - Jisho.org if it’s the case

But I can be totally wrong

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The だと is quotation:

この 人が、"きつねの しゃしんを とりたいんだ"と(言いました)
(This person said) he wants to take a picture of a fox

Also, regarding the 山のこと:
Here is really good stackexchange post explaining the のこと:

This doesn’t only mean that there were some things only he knew, but that he was the only person that knew the mountain (and things regarding the mountain).


I might even phrase it “there’s noone who knows the mountain like Matsuzou-jiisan”.

Maybe something like Matsuzou-jiisan furrowed his brow and suddenly turned around with a displeased expression.

He said.


Whoopsie :man_facepalming:t2:

This is my attempt at page 6. I apologize for the formatting. I basically cut/pasted from my personal notes. If this is too much information, pleasae let me know and I will stop including it.

山のことは、もう、松ぞうじいさん しか 知っている 人が いなくなってしまいました。
Translation There are no longer any people so the lumberjack is the only one who remembers/knows things about the mountain.


• 山 の こと は https://www.wasabi-jpn.com/japanese-grammar/generic-nouns/
o Xのこと: Things about X
o あなたは 結婚(けっこん)した日(ひ)のことを 覚(おぼ)えて いますかDo you remember things about the day [we] got married?
o If you don’t use Xのこと in the above example, it would be: 結婚した日を覚えている (Do you remember the date when we got married) ?

• もう already (affirm)any more, no longer (negate) past perfect tense 「もうVERB た orました」https://tinyurl.com/maggiesensei
o The three perfect tenses in English are the three verb tenses which show action already completed.
Past Perfect: I had seen it. (Past tense of to have plus participle. Action is completed with respect to the past)
o 辞(じ)書(しょ)はもう(買(か)った / 買(か)いました)か Have you already bought the dictionary?
o でんしゃはもうでました。(The train has already left.)
o もうおさけがありません。(There isn’t any more alcohol.)

• しか Particle (used with negative verb) = only; nothing but
o CHAPTER 5. EXPRESSING AMOUNTS 5.6.3 used to indicate the lack of everything else. In other words, the rest of the sentence must always be negative.

• 知って inflection of 知る: Te-form. It is a connective form of the verb. ALSO NOTE: Te-iru-form. It indicates an action that is ongoing.
o 1. to be aware of; to know
o 4. to remember

• CHAPTER 4. COMPOUND SENTENCES 4.4.2 Expressing a sequence of verbs with the te-form. This rule also works for the polite「です」and「ます」endings.
•Positive: Conjugate the verb to its past tense and replace「た」with「て」or「だ」with「で」.
•Negative: Same as i-adjectives, replace「い」with「くて」.
o 食堂に行って、昼ご飯を食べて、昼寝をした。I went to cafeteria, ate lunch, and took a nap.
• Te-iru-form. It indicates an action that is ongoing.
o いる , Auxiliary verb 3. to be …-ing; to have been …-ing, after the -te form of a verb; indicates continuing action or state

人 が person= subject of the sentence

• いなく なって inflection of いなくなる, Te-form. It is a connective form of the verb. NOTE BELOW ALSO: unintentional things that happen-form
Expression:. to disappear; to stop being; to leave, See also 居る いる, See also 成る, from いる and なる

• しまいました inflection of しまう,
o Masu-form. It is the polite form of the verb.
o Ta-form. It indicates the past tense of the verb.
o 2.毎日ケーキを食べて、2キロ太ってしまいました。
I ate cake everyday and I (unintentionally) gained two kilograms
o 5. 窓を閉めなかったので、風邪を引いてしまいました.
I didn’t close the window, and so I caught a cold.

いなく なって しまいました unintentionally disappeared, regrettably gone

ある日 孫の 鳶吉が、町の 人を つれて 小屋に 入ってました。
Translation One day, his grandson entered his hut with a man from the town.


· ある (或 ) Pre-noun adjectival Usually written using kana alone

  1. a certain (NOUN).; some (NOUN) a noun modifier used when referring to a nonspecific time, place, thing etc…​

· (ひ) day

· ある日 one day

· まち town

· つれて (連れる) つれて could be an inflection of つれる, with te-form. It is a connective form of the verb.

  1. to take (someone) with one; to bring along; to go with; to be accompanied by​

· こや 小屋 1. hut; cabin; shed; (animal) pen​ 3. one’s own house​, Colloquialism, esp. しょうお

· particle 2. to (direction, state); toward; into​

· 入ってました (はいってました) an inflection of 入る, with:

  • Te-iru-form. It indicates an action that is ongoing.
  • Masu-form. It is the polite form of the verb.
  • Ta-form. It indicates the past tense of the verb

to enter; to go into

Past, polite 入りました
Te-form 入って

「おじい、この 人が、きつねの しゃしんを とりたいんだと。」
Translation Grandpa, this man wants to take a picture of a fox.

  • 1. honorific/polite/humble prefix じい grandfather (may be used after name as honorific) ​Usually written using kana alone

  • きつね (狐) fox Usually written using kana alone

  • しゃしん (写真) Noun 1. photo; picture

  • とりたい (取る1. to take; to pick up OR 撮るto take (a photo)​esp. 撮るor捕るto take; to catch; to capture​)

    • 4.10. DESIRE AND SUGGESTIONSCHAPTER 4. ESSENTIAL GRAMMAR 4.10.2 Verbs you want to do with「たい」You can express verbs that you want to perform with the「たい」form. All you need to do is add「たい」to the stem of the verb.
      2.温泉に行きたい。I want to go to hot spring.
  • んだ https://www.wasabi-jpn.com/japanese-grammar/explanatory-noda/

    • のだ is formal and preferred in writing while んだ is a casual and preferred in speaking.
    • Five Functions of the Explanatory のだ (んだ)
      1. A reason why
      2. Making an inference
      3. Discovery of non physical objects (figure something out)
      4. Summaraizing/rewording—in other words
      5. Prefacing remark
  • ?????

末蔵爺さんは、まゆを よせ、きゅうに ふきげんな 顔に なって ふりむきました。
Translation The lumberjack’s eyebrows immediately scrunched up and he turned around with a sullen expression


· まゆ (眉) . eyebrow

· よせ (寄せ) Noun - used as a suffix gathering; collecting; coming together​

· きゅう (急) · Adverb 1. swiftly; rapidly; quickly; immediately; hastily; hurriedly​

· ふきげんな (不機嫌) Na-adjective, Noun 1. pout; displeasure; ill humor; ill humor; sullenness​
na-adjective can directly modify a noun following it by sticking 「な」 between the adjective and noun. (Hence the name, na-adjective.)

· かお () Noun 2. look; expression; countenance​

· ふきげんな with a sullen expression

· なって an inflection of なる, with Te-form. It is a connective form of the verb.
5. to change into; to be exchanged for​

· ふりむきました (振り向く) to turn one’s face; to turn around; to look over one’s shoulder​

ふりむきました could be an inflection of ふりむく, with
Masu-form. It is the polite form of the verb.
Ta-form. It indicates the past tense of the verb.

Translation and then he said…


そして、Conjunction 1. and; and then; thus; and now; and finally Usually written using kana alone

言いましたinflection of 言う, with
Masu-form. It is the polite form of the verb.
Ta-form. It indicates the past tense of the verb.

  1. to say; to utter; to declare

Your notes are very helpful.

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This was already asked a few posts up:

The だと is quotation:
この 人が、"きつねの しゃしんを とりたいんだ"と(言いました)
(This person said) he wants to take a picture of a fox

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