10分で読める物語 二年生 Home Thread (Absolute Beginner Book Club)

Results as of Friday, August 9, 2019 6:00 AM

16 voters… 18 total votes :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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The 13th at noon time UTC :stuck_out_tongue:

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You can vote for both, if you don‘t care about the start date ^^

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Oh… boy… Just choose whatever


I’m pretty sure that it is in the 10分で読める物語 二年生 thread bylaws that in the event of a tie, the thread creator/organizer casts the deciding vote…

Correct, and I decided, that we will start at the 13th of august, if it‘s a tie :joy:

25 minutes till the poll closes

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bot collusion and politics, I like this club.


It‘s 21:00 at my place and I closed the Polls, here are the final results:

We will start at the 17th of august.

And we will have a 1 day break after each story.

@emucat sorry, that we won‘t start this week. I hope you don‘t abandon us :see_no_evil:


image https://media0.giphy.com/media/QxHzTRigoD9HG/giphy.gif?cid=19f5b51aed89f0a263e397d274dc9c6f37ea79388f5918bc&rid=giphy.gif


Does that mean no you won’t abandon us? Awesome! :wink:

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Of course he won‘t abandon us. i‘m sure of it.

I mean, look at him. He‘s a frog :thinking: and frogs are loyal, aren‘t they?

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image https://media2.giphy.com/media/1EghTrigJJhq8/giphy.gif?cid=19f5b51a65b796b1d5d97c72f1dc007c6f020f26f48cd59f&rid=giphy.gif


Got mine just on time and excited to start soon!


It took me close to 2 hours to read the 2nd story in the grade 1 book. The lack of kanji really slowed me down. I found I was constantly looking up words I know already know in their kanji form but didn’t recognise in hiragana. I felt like I took a giant leap backwards on my Japanese journey at the time, but on reflection, it was a learning experience so actually a good thing


Too bad this doesn’t have an ebook version. Unfortunately, shipping books from Japan is quite expensive… it usually more than doubles the cost of the book(s). :frowning: I’ll see if I can manage to squeeze it in next month.

How does it compare to the Grade 2 book? Are we in for a similar experience? Interesting that having WaniKani be part of my early Japanese learning, I have a similar issue in that kanji is easier for me to deal with than streams of hiragana. For example, while I was reading the other day, I came across わかる and it took me a second (okay minute) to recognize it as 分かる. However, I wonder if that is how the JLPT N5 exam is.

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I found it on USA Amazon and ordered it. However, I ordered it on August 26 and I am yet to receive it. If you are interested, you can find a link to in in my previous post.

Grade 2 has a little bit more kanji, but I believe the grammar is pretty similar


Sadly this option is even slightly more expensive. :sweat_smile: I’ll just order it from Amazon JP next month. I do want to buy another book from there anyway. Thanks though! :slight_smile:

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What Emucat said

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