Welcome to the サバイバル・ゲーム! Survival Escape Game Book Club
Poll for next book
We read Book 1 in this thread, and this is now the home thread for future books.
- Book 1 [This thread] - ジャングルから脱出せよ Jungle Escape!
- CURRENT Adventure: Book 2 極寒の雪山を脱出せよ Escape from the cold and snowy mountains!
- NEXT Adventure planned: 太平洋 Pacific ocean (see poll)
The Adventure Begins
You wake up alone in the Amazon jungle. Which way to walk? Where is there water to drink? Where will you eat? Your choices will determine your fate!
I was looking for a choose your own adventure book of the kind that I remembered reading as a kid. This is what I found! It is part of a series of 5 books that are in paper form only. Do you dare join an adventure party to find out if you have what it takes to survive???
We read Book 1 ・ジャングルから脱出せよ・ [Jungle Escape!] from March-May 2024 - see the Party Guide below. We are continuing to read other books in this series. These are all independent books, so you can join any book (and we can choose any order to read them).
Natively Rating: level19-21 Furigana: Yes
Preview pages: see photos in comment below.
Difficulty level thoughts: Japanese reviewers suggest it’s the right level for a 3rd grader but too easy for a 6th grader. BBC level.
Where to Buy
Physical Purchase (JP): AmazonJP | CD Japan | KinokuniyaJP | Honto | Rakuten
Physical Purchase (EU): Verasia on request
Discussion / How it Works
Set this thread to watching to follow the club in general! We’re followed Book 1 in this thread so far. Additional books will get their own thread.
The book doesn’t have page numbers, but scenes (1-113). To help people orient and avoid spoilers, put comments under the scene name. For example: “Scene 1-3” would mean scene 1, page 3 of that scene. Or just write “scene 1 page 3”. That way, if someone else isn’t on that scene/page yet, they can wait to open it!
If you’re joining the party exploring this book, we are going to read in “Stages”, which is a collection of scenes up to the next decision point, i.e., Stage (A, B, C, etc). We are aiming to take up to 2 weeks on Stage A, and up to 1 week per stage from Stage B onwards.
Vocab spreadsheet. Likewise - the vocab spreadsheet will be organised according to how the party makes progress (see guide below) by Stage NOT sequential scene (to avoid spoilers for the party).
Not getting lost!
Anyone can join - here’s how! Set this thread to “watching” so that you receive alerts!
If you’re joining the party, we can expect among members there will be injuries (ill health) and detours (holidays and life overwhelm) along the way. To keep it fun, moving forward, and to keep that from putting anyone off committing to joining the group, here is how we handle this.
At the start of each stage there is a poll to join, these are recorded in the next section. We’ll wait at least a week for everyone to join and vote at each decision point. But if life happens and we don’t see you, we’ll move on and hope you catch up! On the other hand, if everyone makes it early, we’ll move on right away to keep it moving as a lot of stages are short. Here are the steps:
- Stage start poll: mark yourself reading along (links in next section)
- Read on from the chosen scene until you reach the next decision point or a ゲームオーバー. If it’s a ゲームオーバー, then go back to the previous decision point and follow the other branch. If it’s a decision point, go to the next step.
- Next decision point poll: vote in the poll. Mitrac tries to create them right away but feel free to create it if you are there first!
- Stage finish: the earlier of either a) everyone in the active party has voted or b) a week has gone by.
- We declare the winning route and move on to the next stage!
- All decision points will be recorded in the Party Guide below.
! If you have extra time, consider adding some of the trickier vocab to the spreadsheet.
Party guide
Guide links for Book 1 ・ジャングルから脱出せよ・ Jungle Escape!
This is our map, a record of our exploration through Book 1, which was explored in this thread. Each stage includes a link to the stage start and decision poll, and lists the scenes that are part of that stage.
If you fall behind and want to catch up efficiently, check which scenes are ゲームオーバー. Avoiding those would streamline your path to rejoin the party.
! If you have extra time, consider adding some of the trickier vocab to the spreadsheet.
Stage A - March 8
Stage A start and decision polls
- Read: Intro, Scenes 1-4
- Decision point: 5 or 7.
Chosen: 5
Stage B - March 16
Stage B start and decision polls
- Read: scene 5
- Optional: 6, Then: scene 11
- Decision point: 13 or 15
- Chosen: 13
Stage C - March 24
Stage C start and decision polls
- Read: scene 13
- Then: 10
- Decision point: 17 or 19
- Chosen: 19
Stage D - March 25
Stage D start and decision polls
- Read: scene 19
- Then : optionsl hint scene 20
- Decision point: 25 vs 27 vs 29
- Chosen: 25
Stage E - March 28
Stage E start and decision polls
- Read: scene 25
- Then : 31, optionsl hint scene 32
- Decision point: 37 or 42
- Chosen: 42
Stage F - April 2
Stage F start and decision polls
- Read: scene 42
- Decision point: 48 or 51
- Chosen: 48
Stage G - April 6
Stage G start and decision polls
- Read: scene 48
- Decision point: 62 or 83
- Chosen: 62
Stage H - April 10
Stage H start and decision polls
- Read: scene 62
- Decision point: 66 or 79
- Chosen: 66
Stage I - April 16
Stage I start and decision polls
- Read: scene 66
- Decision point: 71, 89, or 91
- Chosen: 89
Stage J - April 23
Stage J start and decision polls
- Read: scene 89, optional hint scene 90
- Decision point: 104 or 74
- Chosen: 74
Stage K - April 30
Stage K start and decision polls
- Read: scene 74, 77, optional hint 78, 81
- Decision point: 86 or 75
- Chosen: 86
Stage L - May 4
Stage L start and decision polls
- Read: scene 86
- Decision point: 93 or 105
- Chosen: 93
Stage M - May 11
Stage M start and decision polls
- Read: scene 93, 100
- Decision point: 96 or 102
- Chosen: 102
Stage N - May 17
Stage N start and decision polls
- Read: scene 102, 107
- Decision point: 108 or 113
- Chosen: fake poll - we won!