🏔 ❄️ サバイバル・ゲーム 極寒の雪山を脱出せよ ❄ 🏔 Escape from the cold and snowy mountains [SURVIVED!]


Still, something moving sounds dangerous. We’ll find out soon enough what’s in the other direction!


I also call for the other direction. Big animal noise does not sound like something I want to see in a survival setting! I bet it’s got claws and/or fangs :wink:


if not pet, why pet shaped?

I love animals and I wish I could’ve seen what it was, but then I remembered that I have to stay alive ugh :triumph:


Soggy did you mean to vote? No rush just wanted to check!

Oops, I forgot to actually vote haha. Going to be a rebel and vote we investigate :eye: the animal :black_cat:


<< Previous Stage

Welcome to Stage E of :snowflake: :mountain_snow: 極寒の雪山 Escape :grey_exclamation: :mountain_snow: :snowflake:

After walking downhill for a while, we start to feel better, phew. Ok, let’s get out of here.
Wait. Whhaaa… we see something across the way, and it looks big. There’s nothing in the other direction, so perhaps we should steer clear. but… aaaagh, but what if it’s a super adorable メガネグマ, maybe we could just have a peak? This was meant to be a holiday after all. Looking wistfully over our shoulders, we decide we really shouldn’t press our luck. Whatever it is, maybe it’s bigger and more dangerous than we can handle. Let’s go in the other direction and hope for the best. Keep your eyes peeled and see you at :two::three::grey_exclamation:


Stage is open until all votes are in or up to a week until Aug 2nd, so ideally get your votes in by the 1st!

Are you joining Stage E?
  • I’m joining live, reading along - see you at the decision point!
  • I will catch up later - don’t wait for me
  • I’m exploring solo - don’t wait for me
  • I’m watching :eyes:
0 voters

Stage E decision point

Where should we go next?
  • Go to scene 67
  • Go to scene 91
0 voters


next stage >>

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I do want to sit and wait for help because this option reminds me of the movie Society of the Snow. We don’t know how long it’ll take for help to find us, but maybe this is the wiser option?

But then it’s also kinda boring to just sit and freeze to death. I’d much rather walk along and find something to eat.

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Never heard of it, is it good?

Yeah I’m really conflicted about this too. On the one hand, sitting and waiting is the standard advice, but normally at the scene of the accident. So now that we moved away I really don’t know.

It feels like the options are sit and built a camp and see if we can make a smoke signal or something. Or keep walking and see if we can find… someone or some feature of where we are. I’m just not sure what features could reliably get us out now that they told us all the ways everything there could finish us off.

So I’m leaning towards staying put …

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I’m also going to say that we stay put. It’s a little more boring, but the reading did mention the possibility of slipping or ending up with falling rocks if we made clumsy movements. I’m not sure how quick help would arrive or find us, but it could be the best bet.

This is feeling easier to read over time, I only had to look up one word on this page and 落石 I was able to guess because I’ve never seen it before but (falling) + (rocks) = (falling rocks). now that I say that the next week will have a section about the symptoms of hypothermia because we sat still too long or something

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Me too. Where we are seems safe for now. I don’t want to risk anything by walking into who-knows-what.

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<< Previous Stage

Welcome to Stage F of :snowflake: :mountain_snow: 極寒の雪山 Escape :grey_exclamation: :mountain_snow: :snowflake:

After wandering in the opposite direction to the potential Yeti :polar_bear: things look safe, and secure. What to do, what to do. Do we keep exploring, I mean, trying to get out of here? Or do we sit tight and see if a rescue team finds us? There’s a lot of dangerous terrain out there, we may have even lost @soggyboy in the ravine on the way here. Well, we narrowly choose to sit tight. Bundle up and see you at :nine::one::grey_exclamation:


Stage is open until all votes are in or up to a week until Aug 11th, so ideally get your votes in by the 10th!

Are you joining Stage F?
  • I’m joining live, reading along - see you at the decision point!
  • I will catch up later - don’t wait for me
  • I’m exploring solo - don’t wait for me
  • I’m watching :eyes:
0 voters

Stage F decision point

Where should we go next?
  • Go to scene 81
  • Go to scene 107
0 voters

Next stage >>


wut… I’m in shock!

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Ahem… so… that was short?

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yes! Were we far too responsible or what? I can’t believe it’s even possible to finish in 6 stages, though…


Oh no, I’m in the ravine! :mountain_snow: I will climb my way out tonight. :person_climbing:


Short and sweet! And we didn’t get too cold, which is a bonus I guess.

Now what? Go back and make other decisions, or go for the next book?

Do we keep @soggyboy company?


I climbed :person_climbing: out of the ravine :mountain_snow: to find you all peacefully living in a camp :camping: having a grand time! And looks like I made it just in time to get rescued :sos: by the helicopter! :helicopter:

That was super fast, should we check out some other routes?


:smile: yay, you made it!

I’m also wondering as you and Marifly said, if we check other routes since that was super fast. For example, later today I could reformat the stage decision poll so that it goes to some of the other routes we passed up before. is that a good way to do it?

Society of the Snow

It is if you like some despair along with some adventure lol! The movie is based on a real-life tragedy. It’s quite heavy, but it’s a great watch!


Agree - let’s try some other route

We will need to be good enough to survive but not quite too good to avoid winning too fast :wink: