風の谷のナウシカ (Nausicaä of the Valley of Wind) Advanced Book Club

For the first time, we’ve voted to go straight on to the next volume, so on we go! The vote on whether to spend four or five weeks was tied at one-all, giving me the casting vote… so I decided to stick with what I already had, albeit with a slight tweak to this week’s stopping point.

I felt like a four-week split gave slightly better stopping points, but at the expense of finishing the series with the club’s two longest single-week readings. Plus, this volume’s second half is packed with Patrick Stewart Speeches* and Hannibal Lectures. So much philosophising. So much speechifying. A five-week split at least gives us a break between two of the talkiest sections.

So then. Let’s start volume seven!

* Except Patrick Steward voiced Yupa, who doesn’t deliver one in Nausicaä, making this trope name a little ironic.