I’ve just leveled, and I’ve got two questions. Normally I take WK in a very ‘as is’ state, in the sense that it provides little context for the usage of words. But these are two that I think would be important to know.
Firstly, for 面接する, WK doesn’t say whether it’s transitive or intransitive? Does it mean to interview someone, to interview with someone, or to be interviewed by someone? Or can is be used in all cases? The example sentence is:
The man I interviewed today was so stupid that he said the Olympics are held every three years.
This sentence uses both が and は, but unfortunately doesn’t include を, instead using 面接した男, which I think could either mean “man interviewed with”, or “man interviewed by”.
Is there a basic structure to using this verb? i.e. 私はかれをめんせつした for I interviewed him?
Secondly, 比較する is to compare. Again, I can’t quite figure out the basic usage. To compare, you obviously need two things. The example sentence is:
My daughter lacks physical strength compared to the other girls at her age.
Firstly, it uses 齢 which you don’t learn for another ten levels (brilliant work WK team), but at least you can deduct it’s meaning. I interpret this (if I am using literal translation) as “Girls of the same age - compared do, my daughter has no strength”.
It uses と in the first section however, which has completely thrown me. Could I write for instance:
ここはあそこを比較する、いいですよね? so say here, compared to over there, is good?