Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai – Kitsun.io
Learn the required vocabulary needed to read “Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai” in Japanese with Kitsun’s built-in SRS. Frequency of words are tagged, so that you can choose to only learn words with a frequency you desire. EN - JP is also available if you wish to. You must be logged in to use the deck.
Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai – Floflo.moe
Learn the required vocabulary needed to read “Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai” in Japanese with Floflo’s built-in SRS. You can learn the words in order of frequency in which they appear in the book! You must be logged in to use the SRS.
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You put the wrong English title in the post and title(dreaming girl is the sixth book, if I recall correctly) I know I could just edit the title myself, but I’ll be polite and let you do it
And since the Japanese text is the series name and the English text just the title of one book, maybe you’ll want to change one of them depending on which you intend the discussion topic to be for
how could I have missed this Solved! This thread is about the 1st book of the series. I changed both the English and the Japanese names to follow that. I think they’re the correct ones, right? If there’s interest later to continue with the series, we can change this thread to be about the series or maybe create a new one for each vol idk
For anyone using the Kitsun deck to learn the vocab, it’s indexed by order of appearance. I’ve spent the last couple of days painstakingly reordering some words from the deck that appear on the character pages at the start of the novel (they didn’t parse that way), so hopefully that turned out alright and there’s no major bloopers. As always, if there’s any corrections/feedback you can submit it through the deck feedback system.
I’m hoping to progress at a rate of a page a day at first and see how I fair out in terms of difficulty and understanding. Could take me a while to finish that first chapter.
Glad to hear it! I had to learn about 80 words from the first page alone, so I’ve been forced to slow down and let the srs do the work before I plow on ahead. A page a day isn’t realistic yet but I hope I can at least increase my pace as I learn more words from the novel.
If you’re asking for an answer, my take on it is that he’s literally just saying what it sounds like - acting according to “the atmosphere” (i.e. doing what people expect of you) basically just saying everyone(or whoever he is talking about) only plays the roles they’ve gotten used to without trying to change anything or something like that, I think
and if you’re not asking for am answer, just ignore this and keep reading
I was asking! And I’m still a little confused.
I think the thrust of what he’s saying about 桜島 is that everyone pretends like she doesn’t exist, so she’s matching those expectations and kinda disappearing, in a similar way that かえで was responding to hurtful words with bodily injuries.
But I don’t quite understand how he’s saying it.
It doesn’t really matter much, though. It’s just the only thing so far that I’ve gotten really hung up on.
To bad I only have this as an ebook(so no page numbers), or I’d at least have looked at the page and seen if I could have helped with anything (though, it’s far from guaranteed I would have been able to anyway)
If it’s the part with Mai, and the one I’m thinking of, at least I can say that I think he quite literally was saying that she was acting as “the atmosphere”(presumable phrased like it’s a movie role or something due to her having done acting stuff), so basically what you said. No idea about the how though! (well, probably with his mouth, but I assume you mean grammar-wise )
Well, I think I found the page, but I still have no idea if I can say anything that helps(or what specific part is more difficult to understand, if it’s the right page. It’s basically just a conversation that goes(typed in english because it’d take longer to type in Japanese) “in short, the reason for Kaede’s wounds was her own assumptions is my interpretation” “I get that, so does that mean you want to say that applies to my situation too?” “I mean, you’re playing the role of “atmosphere” perfectly at school, aren’t you?” - is that the page? and if so, which part where you unsure about? or is it before/after that? ). Well, I’m fairly sure your interpretation about his main point is right, at least, anyway
Well thanks! Didn’t expect anyone to go to that much effort. Yes, that’s exactly the conversation I’m talking about, right at the end of chapter 1.
It might not be the grammar that’s getting me, and just that I genuinely have no idea what it would mean to play the role of the atmosphere, especially in this context. She’s practically set apart from the atmosphere (学校から浮いてる as it says), so how can she be the atmosphere?
It would be one thing if it seemed like what he was saying was supposed to be weird, but what really nags at me is that 桜島 acts like she knows exactly what he means, and even seems offended at the comment, which makes me feel like the meaning should be obvious? But it just seems like nonsense to me. I actually checked some fan translations and then also watched that scene subbed in the anime, but they also translated it as basically “playing the atmosphere,” which is where I kinda gave up.
Like Belerith kind of said, I think it’s more atmosphere as in “air”(and not the general mood), since air always is there but nobody really cares about. So I think he means that kind of atmosphere in this case, she’s acting in a way that’s like if she just was air.