銭天堂 ・ Zenitendou, The Mysterious Sweet Shop! (Beginner Book Club)

It was indeed an IME mishap! Sorry :grin: should be fixed now. Let me know any other errors you spot :+1:

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Okay, WE ARE GO!!!

For those who are a bit confused, I’ll be posting the discussion threads around this time each week (hopefully a bit earlier, actually), so that those far to the east can enjoy reading from the very moment they wake up on Saturday morning :wink:


I’m reading the ebook version but I would like to synchronize the pages as closely as possible to the physical version (by fiddling with the font size - I did this with another book and found it to work reasonably well). But I don’t have access to a physical copy to compare to… Would somebody do me the great favour and either send me the last sentences from a few random pages (say, every fifth page or so, e.g. for five pages) or snap some pictures and post them here? That would help me a huge deal. Thanks!

The last sentence of page 13 is in the OP of the Week 1 Discussion.

I already have the last sentence of page 21 ready to go for next week :wink:


Page 25:


Page 30:


Page 40:


Let me know if you need any more. Could you also look at which pages are the first and last page of each chapter?


Thank you very much for the effort! Unfortunately, it seems that the layouting is different in the ebook - not only based on the font size but also due to other factors…
E.g. the prologue is on page 7, the chapter title is on page 8, and the chapter starts on page 9 (as opposed to page 10… - maybe there is a blank page in the book which was skipped in the ebook?). This weird offsetting seems to happen later as well, probably related to the new chapters and the included pictures.
Anyways, I now have a rough idea of what’s going on page-wise, so that will probably help me a lot.


Yeah, page 8 is blank in the physical book. The chapters always start with the title page on the left, so there are a few more blank pages to engineer this for chapters 2 and 6.

I’m guessing the picture placement is also going to be messing things up. There are pictures on pages:

17, 25, 39, 47, 57, 64, 81, 89, 101, 111, 125, 135

Not sure if that will be useful information or not, but you know, for completion :sweat_smile:

That’s definitely useful to know, thank you! I think I can adjust as we go through the book.


Anyone know if there is an audiobook for 銭天堂? I just checked audiobook.jp and there isn’t one there. I’ve not had too much trouble with understanding this written down, but I’d love to see how well I did with the text spoke and also think int might be good to follow along.

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おめでとうございます!That’s so exciting!

Friday night UK time should be fine. :smiley:

I guess we could investigate having the occasional read aloud session like we have in the intermediate book club…?
Just thought I’d put the idea out there…

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I was actually thinking about suggesting the same :slight_smile:
I really love those reading sessions, so why not have them here as well? If a few people are interested, that is.

(Although I think they can probably not fully compensate the lack of an audiobook, but it might be a start…)


I’d be interested, though it would depend on the scheduling whether or not I’d actually be able to participate.

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OK, since there are already three people who are interested, let’s make a poll for it :slight_smile:
(shamelessly copying all the polls from @TamanegiNoKame - thank you!)

First for some basic rules: If you want to join, you can of course decide whether you just want to listen in, whether you want to type in the chat (in English), whether you want to speak (in English) or whether you want to read a bit of text aloud (in Japanese ofc). You can read as much or as little as you want - one sentence is also ok. But maybe the others will stop you at some point when you read too much lol
We will not only read the text but also clarify questions or discuss the contents in general as we go. You can always chime in and ask something.

So, bottomline: everything can - nothing needs to.

Now for the polling:

  1. Do you want to meet like once a week when we are reading Zenitendou and read aloud and/or listen along with people reading aloud on Discord together, given the date and time suits you?
  • Maybe…Not sure yet.
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

  1. If you are interested or maybe interested, what weekday would work best for you? I am working from the assumption that weekends will be best for people and for dealing with timezones, but if it is not, I will repoll to account for that.
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • Some other day

0 voters


Thank you! :blush: it is, and also very scary, haha!


With 4 people being interested in a reading group, and 8 more being maybe interested, I’m thinking it might be worth giving it a try?! (Also, I’m hoping that maybe some more people might want to join once this got going.)

Having said that, I have no clue how to move forward from here ^^ For the other reading group, I think somebody suggested some dates and times, and then everything would resolve itself automagically… But I have no good feeling for which dates and times would fit best, so I’m asking you. :slight_smile:

To give a bit more background information: For the duration, I’m expecting us to take ~60 - 90 minutes (At least that’s what the other group’s sessions take).

To zoom in a bit more on viable options, what about this? Please tick those boxes that overlap with convenient times, you need not be available during the whole time of course. Also, for the weekdays, please tick the box when you are available on one of the days (don’t know if this makes any sense, but I did not want to further explode the poll…).
I’ve tried to give the time in various timezones. If you’re confused, I recommend you have a look at Worldtimebuddy.
Please note that GMT refers to the artificial Greenwich Mean Time, not the British time (Britain currently has summer time, i.e. GMT+1). Please make sure to pick the correct one in Worldtimebuddy.

For the legend: M-F: Monday to Friday, T-S: Tuesday to Saturday, S-T: Sunday to Tuesday.

  • GMT Sa 0:00 - 6:00 / EDT Fr 20:00 - Sa 2:00 / JST Sa 9:00 - 15:00
  • GMT Sa 6:00 - 12:00 / EDT Sa 2:00 - 8:00 / JST Sa 15:00 - 21:00
  • GMT Sa 12:00 - 18:00 / EDT Sa 8:00 - 14:00 / JST Sa 21:00 - Su 3:00
  • GMT Sa 18:00 - 24:00 / EDT Sa 14:00 - 20:00 / JST Su 3:00 - 9:00
  • GMT So 0:00 - 6:00 / EDT Sa 20:00 - Su 2:00 / JST Su 9:00 - 15:00
  • GMT Su 6:00 - 12:00 / EDT Su 2:00 - 8:00 / JST Su 15:00 - 21:00
  • GMT Su 12:00 - 18:00 / EDT Su 8:00 - 14:00 / JST Su 21:00 - Mo 3:00
  • GMT Su 18:00 - 24:00 / EDT Su 14:00 - 20:00 / JST Mo 3:00 - 9:00
  • GMT (M-F) 0:00 - 6:00 / EDT (S-T) 20:00 - (M-F) 2:00 / JST (M-F) 9:00 - 15:00
  • GMT (M-F) 6:00 - 12:00 / EDT (M-F) 2:00 - 8:00 / JST (M-F) 15:00 - 21:00
  • GMT (M-F) 12:00 - 18:00 / EDT (M-F) 8:00 - 14:00 / JST (M-F) 21:00 - T-S 3:00
  • GMT (M-F) 18:00 - 24:00 / EDT (M-F) 14:00 - 20:00 / JST (T-S) 3:00 - 9:00

0 voters

The other question is, when should we start? In the other reading club, we read a section right after that section’s week is finished. If we keep the same rythm here, that would mean we would start … this weekend?! (Heads up: I will probably not be available this weekend, so I’d need a volunteer…)

  • Yay, go for it!
  • No way. Let’s start next week(end) and read the first two sections in the first session.
  • Let’s start in two weeks’ time and catch up over two weeks.

0 voters

Oh, and please, if you have any suggestions or comments, feel free :slight_smile:


Hi everyone, I’ve just been lurking mostly :eyes:

But if any of you are interested in having a reading/audiobook-ish hybrid session I’d be happy to help. I grew up listening to a lot of Japanese so my pronunciation is good and reading speed decent not to toot my own horn :cold_sweat: or humble brag or anything I just want to offer help eee!

*cough Anyways, I don’t know if anyone would be interested but I imagine it would be like a normal reading club (i.e. anyone can chime in) except with the option to have the text read in a Japanese accent, which would compensate a little more for the lack of audiobook.

Hey, welcome :slight_smile:
Feel free to fill in the poll in the post right above yours, and let’s see what we can get at.

Done :ok_hand:

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I don’t mind when we start, and would even be happy to skip Kino this week if necessary, as it’s not my chapter (but I don’t want to force other people to choose between them). Do we need to make ourselves a new server? Or can we make some sort of sub-area of the Intermediate Japanese Book Club? (I’m favouring the second option to keep everything together, but don’t really mind).

For those who have not experienced reading together, NicoleRauch and I have been in a group reading from the Intermediate Book Club’s current book Kino-no Tabi. We show up in a Discord voice channel at a preselected time with anyone else who can make it. Everyone who would like to read is given the opportunity, and it is definitely not only for those who are already fluent readers. I would hope that we try and read a little slower than usual, or break it up more, given that we want beginners to feel welcome!


This is a really cool idea and I’m definitely down for it! Will say, though, that due to time zones weekends are the only time that work for me, which unfortunately means I may not always be able to make it due to travel/events I go to on weekends. also depending on time slot I may just not be able to at all, but I’m happy for everyone that gets to do it! Should be a fun experience!

I would like to avoid clashes between the two reading groups at all cost. (Although the more I think about it, the more I think that those timeslots are quite ideal to maximize participation around the world… well, first come first served I guess :wink: )

That’s what I was thinking of, too. (Keeping the overhead and friction as low as possible.)

Yes, thanks for pointing this out! As this is a book club for beginner readers, the reading group should match that and be for beginner “read-aloud” readers as well.

I would like to suggest that, too. Also, I would like to encourage all participants to speak up if they think something should be changed in the reading club (idk, like you suggested, slower speed, more breaks, whatever) so that they can get more out of it.