金田一耕助 Series Reading Club - NEXT: 悪魔が来りて笛を吹 (Starting May 18 '24!)

I wish I had more to add but I’m low on specific names and full of wanting to read everything. :see_no_evil:

I’m really glad there’s so many people here who are much more widely read than I am, with such a broad knowledge of different authors and series. :slight_smile:

I suppose we can just keep on gathering throughout January or until we start 犬神家の一族 in February, unless you all would prefer we decide earlier for book ordering purposes?

I’m kind of hyper focusing on finishing just one more volume of 狼と香辛料 right now. :eyes:


I’ve already placed a set of book orders, so am in no hurry to decide the next non-Yokomizu book.

I don’t have a preference between picking out the books now or as we get to them.

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My copy of 犬神家の一族 arrived today, so I am good to go. (DHL managed to lose 女王蜂 en route - so much for my cunning plan to buy more than one club book at once…)


Well, it sounds like the buying part worked…


Oh no! At least they lost the ‘correct’ book so you’re not missing the one we’re about to start. :see_no_evil:

Do you think I could trouble you to check for suitable stopping points? I haven’t actually checked my ebook yet…

Or another paperbook reader, whoever has the time. :pray:

I went ahead and created the thread now, I’ll simply add the schedule later.

With the next book coming up in a few weeks, I’m curious whether the 2 month break we’ve had so far since finishing the last book has changed how you feel about that. Did it help make you anticipate it again or are you still feeling a bit burned out on 金田一?


The two month break has been good. I guess I’ll have to see how I feel once I start reading. Guessing it will be good to see old 耕助 again though!


Nothing for it but to jump in from the sounds of it. That’s good though! :grin:

In other news, we’re talking about the schedule over in the new thread in case any of you missed it~


So, it’s been a couple of months since we finished 犬神家の一族; I figured I’d bump this thread to see how people felt about another Kindaichi. 女王蜂 is what I think was next on the list. Or there was some discussion upthread about reading a non-Yokomizu…


If we go by what we decided previously I think it would be B-side Kindaichi → 女王蜂 → non-Kindaichi Yokomizo → 悪魔が来りて笛を吹く → non-Yokomizo → 悪魔の手毬唄 → ???

So a B-side would be next, if we go by what we decided before. Of course we can just throw that out and do 女王蜂 instead if we prefer.

There isn’t a B-side I particularly care about (I suppose 迷路荘の惨劇 probably has the most interesting title to me), but if someone does have a B-side they want to read, now is probably a good opportunity to bring it up.


I’m ready for 女王蜂 anytime, but probably won’t read any B-sides.

Thanks for the bump! I’ve been quite busy so it’s fallen a bit to the wayside, but I’m always in the mood for more kindaichi. :slight_smile:

One of the reasons we planned b sides and non kindaichi in between was to space out the main titles a bit, so those of us only interested in those but with a full schedule had a bit of breathing time in between iirc.

Since we had our hiatus already, I suppose we could skip the b side and get right into 女王蜂 if no one minds. :thinking:

I know we have a pretty big overlap with the S&M club, and we alternated with it before. Is it alright if we overlap for this one?


The S&M club seems to have scheduled their books 6 and 7 back-to-back, so unless you want us to wait until October for more Kindaichi then an overlap is unavoidable.


That’s true! I don’t mind reading both at the same time, but I wanted to check back.

Waiting 4 months does seem excessive now that you put it into words though. :joy:


I don’t mind overlapping with S&M.


Shall we pick a start date for 女王蜂 then? Does anybody have preferences? I already have my copy so I’m good to start whenever works for everybody else.


I’m also good to start at any time since I’ll be reading the ebook. Sounds like a poll might help here. ^^

Let’s begin 女王蜂…
  • … right away (July 3)
  • … soon (July 10)
  • … in a bit (July 17)
  • … later (please share :))

0 voters

Edit: I just realised I should have added an option for ‘not interested in this book / right now’. :thinking:


I guess July 17th it is… Is what I meant to write only to realise that we’re tied now. If it stays like this until the weekend, I’d prefer to go with the one week later option so everyone has time to prepare. This is assuming that starting later wouldn’t be inconvenient for you @BadPlayer. (Or anyone else.) Would it be inconvenient?

In any case I’ll create the thread over the weekend. :slight_smile:


i’m very impatient


Here are the per-chapter page counts for 女王蜂, from my Kadokawa edition:

  • chapter 1: 5-23: 19 pages
  • chapter 2: 24-88: 65 pages
  • chapter 3: 89-148: 60 pages
  • chapter 4: 149-203: 55 pages
  • chapter 5: 204-255: 52 pages
  • chapter 6: 256-299: 44 pages
  • chapter 7: 300-332: 33 pages
  • chapter 8: 333-390: 58 pages
  • chapter 9: 391-455: 65 pages
  • epilogue: 456-464: 9 pages
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