金田一耕助 Series Reading Club - NEXT: 悪魔が来りて笛を吹 (Starting May 18 '24!)

I created threads for 殺人鬼 and 夜歩く:
殺人鬼(金田一耕助 Reading Club)
夜歩く(金田一耕助 Reading Club)

I used this to base the schedule for 夜歩く on. At a pace of a chapter a week, we’ll be done with 夜歩く on June 19.

The next S&M starts on June 18, so that would work out perfectly in that regard, @Jfredel78 :grin:

Personally I plan to read the other 2 stories in 殺人鬼 after 夜歩く.
Would you all prefer having a set schedule for those, or would you be okay with leaving those unscheduled? The thread could still be used as a discussion platform in that case too.

If we want to schedule them, we could leave a week’s break (or 2) before and after. That way the wait wont feel so long. Or we could schedule it in for after @Jfredel78’s S&M break.

Also, if anyone would like to suggest any changes to either of these threads (schedule or otherwise), please feel free to do so. :slight_smile: