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Proper Nouns
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Main character
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I’ve updated the vocabulary sheet, and tried to add some of the Kansai dialect I came upon, but there’s still quite a bit I’m not entirely sure of so I preferred to leave those out of the sheet for now rather then inputting something wrong. Feel free to add to the sheet, by the way!
Some of those pages definitely easier to read than others.
I feel like 奥の部屋 on page 15 has some specific technical meaning when it comes to this sort of old-style Kyoto house, but I’m struggling to come up with the right search terms to get Google to furnish me with an indicative floor plan. Like, the room facing the inner courtyard, or something, wereas the この部屋 and となりの部屋 in question face the street. Or rear garden. I may just be making that up, though.
Just so’s we’re on the same page (haha) is the last line おかあさんもまだ寝てはる? Best to confirm, because we’re currently having much fun in the Horimiya thread due to the print and digital versions having page numbers that differ by two.
I’m fairly confident in my Kyoto-ben, but I’m not sure of what you’re not sure of, so perhaps you could make a list. Or add them to the sheet but leave the translation blank and I’ll come and fill it in.
Yes, it is! In the physical version, all pages are numbered - is it different in the digital version? Can someone confirm? (fortunately this is the only time we’ll break a chapter in 2, so I don’t think we’ll have this issue again)
I think I’ll do this, thanks! Seems like a good idea since anyone can then add vocab or expressions they are unsure of, and those who know can then fill it in I’ll add a note about that either in the first post or the vocab sheet.
Hello everyone! Been a while since I have been on the forums. I am excited for this bookclub, the manga looks really cute!
I am currently traveling and didn’t bring my paperback copy of the manga… But! I read this part last week, when it was still free on amazon and wrote down questions!
One I have found the answer to already (feel free to confirm if I am right!), but I will write that one down anyways in case someone else has the same question.
pg. 16 買うてきます read as こうてきます
I have to assume this is part of the dialect, both the reading of 買 and the てform, but I couldn’t find anything online to confirm this. My googling skills have failed me!
pg. 21 寝てはる (solved?)
From context I guessed that this is a way to show respect, and it seems I was right!
It’s part on kyoto dialect and used to show respect to the person/animal/whatever doing the verb the ~はる is attached to - or to the listener. Since shes talking to herself, she is expressing respect to おかあさん. source
I will need some time to get used to the dialect, but the reading was surprisingly fluent. Maybe we will all be 京都弁 experts by the end of this
You'll see this usage, as well as う in place of っ, with Kansai dialect characters in various series.
(Insert image of Yotsuba’s grandmother using it in chapter 104 if there was a digital release of よつばと!. Unfortunately, ComicWalker has chapter 103 but not 104.)
I’ve added more Kansai dialect from pages 16 and 17 reviews are welcome!
Very beautiful, really enjoyed it and looking forward to reading more! Omg those pillows look super uncomfortable though. But I guess that’s what you have to do to not spoil the hairdo!
Starting my second-most difficult manga read to date! …oh turns out it’s way easier with the vocab sheet (though not sure if it will defeat the memory-building habit of dictionary lookups. Well, whatever, I’ll go through it properly later when I do my SRS mining).
Having lived in Kansai (okay, near Kansai) for two years, this is very nostalgic!
This is my first time reading anything with a distinct dialect so it was a bit intimidating.
But gosh, what a beautiful chapter, I couldn’t stop on page 21 it was all too beautiful!
I hope by the end of this volume I’ll be more used to it. Some of those sentences didn’t make much sense until I read the notes on the vocab sheet!
Dangit I totally didn‘t realize this will be starting already
I‘m on holidays right now and while I took Horimiya with me, I forgot to take this one with me
Well… will be starting some time next week or the week after I guess (…bugger! )
But you guys enjoy yourselves!
Don’t forget the backup method for reading week 1: volume one’s 25-page free preview. (Just in case you’re looking to get in extra reading during the holiday off hours.)
Thanks for mentioning it!
Internet is kinda scarce and I‘m really not a big fan of digital manga but if I‘ve got some time to kill, I‘ll definitely come back to it!
Page 15 and 16 especially were like yikes, what is this, a foreign language? I had to push really hard to get through those, and then when I did the momentum carried me through and I accidentally finished the chapter. Woops.
I learned some very useful things from the vocab sheet, but still not sure about this utterance from page 15 どうみても食べられへんどっしゃろ。
On page fifteen, it says うちらかて知らんもんは知らんえ。 From what I gather by jisho, かて means "even if " in 関西弁, so the sentence would literally translate to something like “Even if [it was] us, don’t know what don’t know, right?”
If someone more experienced can confirm this is the proper way to understand the word in this context, I can add it to the vocabulary list.