I finished all quests this week with the exception of the library one where I still haven’t made any progress. I also did a fair bit of fighting to level up Tita and bring her closer to our protagonists and in the process I managed to unlock a new S-break for Joshua which I haven’t tried yet.
The tobacco thief
When the quest started I hopped that it meant that we’d get an opportunity to try our new linguistic knowledge but it turns out that, while you can indeed translate what Antoine says, it doesn’t really tell you anything and you really don’t need it.
The idea that the most powerful guy in the city would let himself get bullied around and have his place searched just for some tobacco is not entirely believable but it’s not a huge deal.
The lost book
I kept looking for pond-like water bodies and I did think that the one right next to the tower entrance was promising given that it has stone structures around it that loosely match the description, but I couldn’t find anything to interact with. Since I think that I visited pretty much every accessible area at this point, I hope that it means that it’s hidden somewhere in Elmo since it’s the only place I didn’t enter this week. Admittedly it’s the closest we have to a 山里 as far as I can tell, so it’s promising.
So, as I completed this week’s quests I decided to drop by the lab to see what the scientist doing the shoe test would say. I assumed that he would judge that the test wasn’t done yet since I hadn’t been to Elmo. Surprisingly it let me finish the quest instead!
I thought that not having visited everything possibly meant that I missed out on some rewards so I checked a guide and apparently the quest logic works like this:
There are five locations that are tracked for this quest. Apparently if you enter these areas with the shoes on it sets a flag saying that you’ve visited it. So if you prefer to wear better gear elsewhere you can just swap them just before you enter the key areas. I personally just wore the shoes while I was doing my exploration, they’re not that bad.
In order to finish the quest you need to visit 3 out of the 5 locations, but in order to get the best reward you need to visit at least 4 out of 5.
The 5 locations are: Leiston Fortress, Sanktheim Gate, Wolf Fort, Elmo Village, Air-Letten
You can’t actually enter Leiston Fortress at this point, but just reaching the closed entrance is enough.
So since you only need 4 out of 5 locations, I could finish the quest this week with bonus rewards this week without entering Elmo!
The penguin cave
I also decided to revisit the penguin cave in the underground path leading from Ruan to Zeiss. Now that I have a bunch of AoE options with Tita, it’s vastly easier. There are two trapped chests in there that have very good rewards: one has the EP 3 quartz, the other a weapon for Tita that’s not only more powerful than the ones you can find elsewhere at this point, but also has a larger attack radius which is incredibly useful.
It’s very hard to orient yourself in this area however, I ended up always taking the right path at every turn in order to (hopefully) explore the entire area and get all the loot.
I also found a completely empty area with ominous lighting which I presume is going to be used in a quest.
I feel for you @Daisoujou, if you wanted some straightforward gameplay this week, it wasn’t a good one. Fortunately I was in the mood for some aimless exploration and light grinding so it worked out just fine.