空の軌跡 // Trails in the Sky ⚔ Story Club・Week 1

There’s breakable things like pots and boxes in later games, but for now all your dungeon items are going to be in chests. Do be on the lookout for missable sidequests, but that shouldn’t come up for a little while since it’s still the tutorial. There are missable things like the books but it’s still early enough that you should be okay. Each game has a book you can read where talking to people will get them to give you the book one chapter at a time. I think there’s twelve or thirteen chapters in carnelia, which is the collectible book for this game.

If it’s the sort of thing that would bother you to miss I think there’s a guide through steam specifically written to have no spoilers for things. Anything major should come up here otherwise.


I noticed that interactable elements so far are marked by the appearance of a :warning: when you get close so there’s that I suppose.

There’s a chest in Joshua’s room but as far as I can tell it’s purely decorative.


These games have a bit of a time system sometimes where instead of giving you a calendar date or having all activities take some amount of time like persona might, it’ll get later and time will pass as some required quests and events are done. This means that anytime you have an optional quest available, it’s a good idea to do that first as only your required quests will cause time to update. But when time updates, npc dialog will also change, so if you have the time and energy to keep up with it, talk to some of the npcs as time passes and see what they’re saying.

I just yesterday forgot about the quests making time pass and did a required monster hunting quest in daybreak and missed an optional quest, so since I wanted to do everything, I backtracked to an earlier save. Took a couple hours redoing a dungeon but it’s a design choice they keep making even in their shiny new games. So I’d recommend using a guide if you’re the kind of player who wants to do everything and leave no stone unturned. Otherwise you can get locked out of things. Sometimes you end up with chapters 1-6 and 8-12 of a collectible book and realize you forgot to speak with Winston the janitor (made up character for example sake) when you had the chance. I’m a big fan of these games but some of their game design can get annoying around missable events and stuff. It’s nothing that ruins the game but for that extra bit of satisfaction knowing you got everything, it might be worth checking a guide from time to time.


Luckily I’m not the type that needs to find everything, but it’s fantastic to have a general idea of what to look out for while exploring. You gave exactly the info I was looking for and more, thank you so much!

Oooh that’s interesting. I’ll most definitely talk to as many npcs as possible for chapters and quests-- err, and for reading practice, of course :smiley:

I noticed that, too. Already the game is teasing us with fake treasure chests!


Trails games in general, and the Sky games are the worst offenders, are extremely unforgiving when it comes to content that can be missed. I highly recommend playing with a spoiler free guide if you don’t want to miss anything. If you just want to use the guide as a fail safe before progressing a chapter, then you need to talk to every NPC not once–but twice! This isn’t just for missed content, but to flesh out the world. Trails does an outstanding job at creating a vibrant world with real people living in it. Whenever a story event occurs (and sometimes more frequently than that), all of the NPC dialogue will change, they’ll move around, and you’ll get to watch them live their lives as the events of the game unfold.

Additionally, always keep a healthy amount of save files. I keep a file before each quest because sometimes you don’t know if that’s the quest that’s going to suddenly lock you out of something. I haven’t played Sky in about five years, but I remember backtracking on a save file numerous times.


Week 2 is up!

I had to look up this one too, but thinking about it, there is 年増(としま), and they can grow to that age by hearing (i.e. (みみ)).


Interestingly, I’ve come across 耳年増 a couple times now, but never 年増 itself that I can recall. Knowing that word exists makes it feel way less random now, thanks!