空の軌跡 // Trails in the Sky ⚔ Story Club・Currently in Chapter Three

two weeks in one

back to normal one week a week scheduling

I discovered today that the Legend of Heroes series started as an off-shoot of Dragon Slayer, and there’s a Game Boy version of Dragon Slayer I which I decided to give a try:

I have no idea how the combat works. Everything is super slow. Very strange game. That said I played it on a home-made emulator so maybe it’s just not working correctly :grimacing:


I haven’t played this, but I did play Ys I&II which had the same run-into-an-enemy-to-attack-it controls. Definitely takes some getting used to.

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Ooh, I tried all buttons and didn’t think of that.

Admittedly “all buttons” in this case means A, B, Start and Select…

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to be fair, just walking into the enemy doesn’t sound like a great plan


The very necessary school festival plot continues in great detail.

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Chapter 3 is a go

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Come help us learn another language in week 29

week 30 is up

the one you’ve been waiting for

things may or may not be happening

thread exists