玉藻の恋 ・ Tamamo no Koi 🦊 Week 4

Week 4 July 6
Pages 31-42
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Home Thread 玉藻の恋 ・ Tamamo no Koi
Last frame of of this week's part (page 42)


We’re reading this manga as part of the Absolute Beginner Book Club.


Vocabulary Sheet

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  • Pages are physical page numbers (they are printed on some pages). Ebook reader pages might be off by a bit.

Grammar Sheet

Discussion Guidelines

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Participation Poll

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By the way, congratulations to you all for making it to week 4! You all have excellent chances of finishing the manga with us. Most people who quit do so in the first few weeks.

Page 31

What does the single character うむっ mean? Also how does one read the last character っ? Is it the big “tsu” or the small one?

Page 31

I’m not super experienced in reading Japanese, so take this with a gain of salt. I read it as a cutesy way of saying うん, like how someone will agree or show they’re listening in English by humming a “uh-huh.”

The last character is the small っ, (compare “うむつ” to “うむっ”, big つ will be around the same size as the surrounding characters.) just elongate the last sound. So it’s “Umuu” in this case.

I hope this answers what you were curious about!

Page 31

I think it’s the opposite. A long dash, dots or additional small kana elongate the sound; っ at the end of a sentence is a “glottal stop”.

It’s usually used for surprise (we see that in the bottom panel), irritation, excitement and such, like a “verbal exclamation mark”.

Page 31

Whoops, you’re totally right! I always get it mixed up, thanks for the correction!


Yep! Jisho lists うむ as an alternate form of うん


Still making my way through this week’s pages, but here are some things that raised some questions far.

Page 35

What’s happening with this sound effect? Tried searching for it on thejadednetwork, but doesn’t seem like anything I found applies here

What does 下手に add to this sentence? I’d think this essentially says, “When you make them mad, what will be done?” or (perhaps more naturally-sounding), “When you make them mad, what will they do…?”

I think of 下手 loosely as “unskillful” or “bad at.” Google is translating 下手に怒らる as “to get angry in an awkward way” which doesn’t make much sense to me. :sweat_smile:

At the end of this sentence he says, 帰ってもらおう - would this be the same thing as 帰ってもらう? I’m only familiar with ~てもらう which seems like it would make sense here (“Let’s satisfy them and get them to go home…”)

Was also wondering what ここは is doing, since it doesn’t seem to literally translate to “here” in this case. I did find this answer online that makes to me. Figured I’d share in case others had the same question.

Page 35

Wikipedia has it as “triumphant look” and offers it as an alternative to ドヤ顔.

One of 下手’s meanings is “imprudent; untactful​”, and putting a に after a な-adjective makes it an adverb.

So a direct translation would be “When I untactfully make her mad, what will be done to me…” or better “If I’m tactless and make her mad, what will happen to me…”

It’s てもらう in volitional form. It’s adding the “Let’s” to the translation.

Page 34

I read this text: 商店街の神社に住む繁栄をもたらす神の眷属ー
As like, “I live in the towns shrine and bring prosperity. ‘Gods Children-’”. But anywhere I translate it comes out as something like:

“A descendant of the god who brings prosperity lives in a shrine in a shopping district.”

I guess I am just confused about how it all connects together to build such a long description?

Page 34

I’d break it down like this. Cut off at each verb that precedes a noun, because those are subclauses that modify a noun that comes after it:

商店街の神社に住む - X lives in the shopping district shrine
繁栄をもたらす - X brings about prosperity
神の眷属 - [I am] a retainer of a god/spirit

Now it becomes a question of which subclause relates to which noun. The simplest interpretation is to tack it directly on the following noun:

繁栄をもたらす神の眷属 - [I am] a retainer of a god/spirit who brings about prosperity. That seems to make sense.

商店街の神社に住む繁栄 - prosperity that lives in the shopping district shrine??? That doesn’t make sense. Which means that the clause 商店街の神社に住む must modify a later noun.

This makes: I am a retainer of the god/spirit that brings about prosperity and lives in the shopping district shrine.

p. 38

I’m having some trouble with the last panel of page 38:
Is this supposed to mean something like: “Aren’t robots terrible!”? Could anyone explain the ロボの字 part?


I found this Maggie sensei article which explains it. Basically it seems to be a “not even one character of ‘robots’ is not horrible” kind of thing.

I know that’s overly literal but I think it’s amusing to say you hate something so much that even the individual letters in the word are bad.


Thank you! That makes a lot of sense :slight_smile:


Thanks for finding that link. It is a kind of round-about way of saying it, but it has some intuitive meaning once you know it. :slight_smile:

Pages 40-41

Not sure what’s visually happening from these panels leading to the following page when Tamamo sprays him. Based on what she’s saying, it seems like she’s looking for water to finish cleaning, and then maybe she turns the water on too high before grabbing the showerhead… is that right? :sweat_smile:

Page 40/41

In that image:

  • Panel 1: She’s looking for water.
  • Panel 2: She finds the knob. Notice that the water tube is going upwards - the handheld shower head is on the top above her.
  • Panel 3: We’re seeing the knob she’ll turn in a moment.
  • Panel 4: He hears her scream.

Page 41:

  • Panel 1: She’s reaching for the handheld shower head above her. She’s wet. (It is still spraying water on her, but for some reason the water lines aren’t shown.)
  • Panel 2: She grabbed it and is now holding it. It is still spraying water.
Page 33

I understand the general meaning of this passage, but what is the usage of: 「などおらん!」here?

Page 33
p. 38

In this case, it’s not the same usage as that Maggie article. This is an old-timey way of making a nickname for someone where you take the first character of the name (in this case the two katakana ロボ) followed by の字. So the 『ロボの字』 is just Tamamo’s way of referring to the ロボ掃除機.
There’s some more info here (in JP): 昔の愛称?「~の字」 -時代小説等に、「~の字」という名前の呼び方が- 歴史学 | 教えて!goo
This answer also says it’s used somewhat disparagingly, which makes sense here.

p. 40/41

@TobiasW 's description is accurate, but I’ll also add that this kind of handle is used when there’s both a regular faucet head to fill the bathtub and a showerhead on the same system. You turn it down to activate the spigot and up to activate the shower head. So Tamamo probably expected water to come out of the bottom but accidentally activated the shower instead.