獣の奏者 chapter 2, part 1 discussion

The part about the bees was interesting but a bit too much. The rest was more enjoyable. I’m guessing with the amount of text dedicated to taking care of bees, learning and instrument-making we can safely assume they will play some role in the future.
I love the bits where ジョウン encourages エリン to find answers to her own questions and then he is all proud when she gets it right (but also when she gets it wrong and he just laughs).
I also have to relate to エリン being all amazed at finding a huge stash of books.


What if it has no purpose other than to show aspects of Erin’s personality?

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I suppose that is still a possibility but I feel like if that’s the case it is a bit unbalanced since it only seems to focus on the things she excels at. I’d expect to see more of her ‘defects’ or ‘weaknesses’ that way. Or maybe that’s just me.
I guess we’ll see(?).


Agree with you about being unbalanced, I already felt a bit bored by the fact that of course she is very good at everything she encounters. Let’s see how this evolves…


Except she’s bad at coming up with original songs. And she’s only okay at making 竪琴.

In terms of flaws, she gets completely absorbed in things to the point that she forgets everything else, including what she was told not to do, like going near the bees. And she thinks it’s wrong to look at his books when he’s not there, but does it anyway because when she gets obsessed with what’s going on she has little impulse control. Even at the beginning, she’s told to stay home and doesn’t. (Note that I’m not judging her for that, haha, just thinking about how she is.)