涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱: Week 6 Discussion

It’s funny because I just saw that grammar in my currently lackadaisical N1 study right before reading that part.

I think it’s a reference to Doraemon (who always pulls stuff out of his pouch).

Which page?

Also: harsh

One day I’ll be in a book club where everyone doesn’t hate the book


I just assumed I was missing a reference :woman_shrugging: I’m used to that by now.

Aaaah! That’s 100% that! Thank you!
I know there was another reference to Doraemon somewhere else (talking about the magic pocket or somesuch).

I loved reading your rationale, and I have to say that choice of emoji is :100: :joy:
(Full disclosure, I wanted to say cerise sur le gâteau but lack too much sleep to remember how to say that)


Nevermind, found it. I think it’s probably an intentional reference, but also I think it just means like “may your soul find peace”
(With あれ being the imperative)
But :woman_shrugging:

Don’t worry too much about it. Raging against the book is cathartic!


Shame you’re not reading コンビニ人間 because we’re having a blast.


I wanted to, but didn’t buy it since I was so unmotivated at the time. It’s a shame, because so far I’ve been in 時をかける少女, キノの旅, and now this, and all of them have just been hate and questions, except this one, which doesn’t have the questions : p

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Hmm, no idea. My Kindle tells me it’s 947/3629 and I can’t seem to find how to make it show the percentages… :man_facepalming: Anyway it’s just after the Doraemon thing, when he realises the content of the pooch. I see you’ve found it, and yeah I agree with your parse.

In case it wasn’t totally clear, since it’s a pastiche of marxist rhetorics, it’s about as serious as a pseudo-marxist analysis of two chapters of a Japanese light novel might be… 50% serious perhaps? :stuck_out_tongue: (And actually I find it meta-interesting to reflect on those things.)


I liked Kino, though :thinking:


I liked both, but a lot of Kino seemed to be how it wasn’t philosophical enough, had too much action, too little action, and Kino (and the narrator) never took enough of a stand on issues.

Eehhh fffff I’m just feeling kinda burnt out.


I liked parts of Kino, but I really disliked 時をかける少女.

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I liked the beginning of 時をかける少女. That’s like liking parts of it, right? :thinking:

(I don’t know where we are going with this conversation)

Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.

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Hmm, if you’re thinking of my comments, don’t mind me too much, it’s a habit. I tend to make weird critical (or just plain weird) comparisons of everything I read, whether I like it or not… I even do it for “great” literature, so… Recently, I tried convincing someone that you could reread a lot of heroic plays of the classical French period as though they were some kind of hyper-virile shônenesque tales à la Hokuto no Ken or Jojo, and that it was strangely fun. :sweat_smile:

In this case, w.r.t. Haruhi, I think I mentioned that before but I don’t feel as directly offended as others… I think @Naphthalene feels offended enough for two (or more) anyway. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Feeling offended so others don’t have to.


I don’t hate any of the books I’ve read in clubs so far. I just like to complain. I do try to hold back though if the general attitude feels too negative. There were some things in Kino I liked and some (especially towards the end) that I didn’t.

I’m trying to keep an open mind about this one until we know what’s really going on. I know it’s going to have a lot of tasteless stuff that I could do without but I can overlook some of that if it’s interesting enough.


If it helps, I don’t really hate anything :slight_smile: (sure, there are some things I don’t necessarily like, but I don’t hate them either)

We still have a lot left of this book so I’m not going to say if I like it or not just yet, but I found 時をかける少女 decent but not great or anything either, I liked Kino (and I know some people expressed interest in maybe wanting to read the second volume at some point, so it wasn’t just me), and for the ones you aren’t in everyone seems to be liking コンビニ人間 and re:zero(which isn’t with the intermediate club though) :slight_smile:


Since we are talking about that, I didn’t hate any books either. 時をかける少女 was kinda meh in the end but I had fun reading it, キノ was interesting and I liked it (except for the gunny bits). コンビニ is good so far.
I finished reading chapter 2 of ハルヒ (the Week 7 bit) and this part was nice. It looks like maybe now it will start getting interesting, we’ll see.

I think even if we don’t necessarily like a book just talking/complaining about it with the others is fun enough to compensate :stuck_out_tongue:


Isn’t this what life’s all about? :smiley:

I disliked some recurring themes in both Kino and Haruhi so far. But yeah, things seem to be looking up. Maybe there will be plot soon.