涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 Home Thread (Intermediate Book Club)

This just reminded me that it’s Friday. :partying_face:


Totally forgot to start with this because there was no “new chapter is here” message in here :cry:


Oops :sweat_smile:


Hey! I’m (for now at least) caught up with my studies… So I’m hoping to start reading along again (from where you guys are) next week… And re-join the read aloud sessions starting NEXT Saturday (this weekend is a friend’s all-day birthday party at a board game cafe, so…)

Could someone who knows the anime/series just drop me a line or two of what point in the story you’re all at/supposed to be at?

I have one guess of one incident Yuki’s bookmark meeting request… but I don’t know if you guys have started/read the result of that yet. Kyon at least sitting in her apartment with tea - nevermind the discussion. Really want to make sure I don’t jump in with any assumptions of where people are with the plot.

I’m standing beside 3 Japanese girls conversing quickly while waiting for the bus and trying to understand their breakneck speeds… 「そうそうそう。。。。 something something に。」「うん」… Totally stressing the particles!
But now another language is behind me louder than the girls!

Aww… They sat at the rear of the bus… But before they got on… だけど。。。ご飯。

Listening fail…


I know neither the series nor the anime, but I’m up to date with the club.
Things that happened:

Haruhi stole a computer, used a bunny girl suit to distribute pamphlets, got a website and email adresse but no email so far.
A transfer student came, as she hoped and she got him to join the club. We know nothing about him so far.
Big reveal: 長門 invited キョン to her place and told him she is a humanoid interface watching on ハルヒ. She also mentioned why she is here.
キョン is confused.
We are speculating in this week’s thread about all that.

Awesome, thanks! That last thing was what I was looking for. Forgot about Koizumi being a transfer student, but it’s good to know he’s in the picture now.

Off I go to the current week’s thread! (Hopefully I’ll have time to catch up on all the intervening weeks later.)

Well, I just realized we will be half way through the next book by the time we are done with this one…

I don’t suppose anyone would be up to increase the speed?

Edit: Anyway, new thread is up.


Personally I think it’s fine. That is to say, I don’t want to increase the speed, really.

For one thing, the page count is already pretty high by Intermediate book club standards for people reading both Haruhi and Konbini at 25ish pages. The next book will start off with (or work up to) 15 pages a week, so that will already be at least 30 with both books.

For another, considering that roughly half the people in the participation polls are voted they’re still reading but behind, increasing the pace seems… couter intuitive.

Also, I’m behind on Haruhi to somehow catch up with ReZero… :eyes:



That’s it. I’m quitting work this very second.


I mean, people who are behind would still be behind, they aren’t affected :stuck_out_tongue:

More seriously, I’m not really considering it (I would have made a poll or something otherwise). It was just a fleeting thought.

But if people were up for it, you know, I wouldn’t mind or anything.


I’d be fine with going faster, but I already have other stuff for faster reading(SAO + the re:zero club), so I’m fine with going slower so everyone can keep up more easily too


You guys talk so tiny!


Looking at this going “oh, a plain old underscore. I wonder what hidden padding he’s added to that. Oh”


I did the same thing :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s easier to read this way


That’s an invalid syntax, though.

I do it too, but that’s still bad.


You monster.


Was about to make it valid but I discovered I can leave it like that. I would kill myself if I do this at work, if my colleagues don’t kill me first. I’m always threatening them about conforming to conventions

(Actually how did you know? I can’t seem to get the original source of other comments)


And when someone does the full quote, your unclosed tags follow into the replier’s post. :stuck_out_tongue: