柳 mnemonic

On the subject of 柳 (willow)

For the mnemonic it used the radical stamp and tree - however for me the right hand side is a slightly slightly disgruntled cat pirate? and wanikani seems to ignore that.

‘If you cause a cat pirate to be disgruntled and out of shape, if will inevitably take shelter up a willow tree. The branches of a willow are dense and provide good shelter whilst recovering’

just thought is was weird the middle bit of the kanji was overlooked - or perhaps i’m missing something.


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Stamp has the extra line and it’s in its mirrored form, so that’s probably why they went with it.

Not that they’re super consistent, but in this case 卬 is a Kanji rather than a radical.

The right side is 卯 the zoodiacal sign of the rabbit (you can type “usagi” to get it).

卯 also appears in the kanji 卵, egg(s). Just with a a dot inside each “ear”.

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