日常 | Week 2 Discussion 🦌

It’s the noun へま + る to turn it into a verb and then conjugated to the past tense. It’s a lot like verbing nouns in English (see what I did there? :smirk:) very non standard but easily understood if you’re familiar with the language because of how verbs and conjugation work.

Heres a link on how it’s done with loan words that covers the basic principles

If I had to say,Ι think it’s meaning 10 or 12 here:


Ok, I found these chapters a little harder :sweat_smile: I’m giving my translations of a few confusing sentences to me, let me know if they could be improved!

Pg. 22


いつまでも → forever
ヤダ → shortening for いやだ (quora)

Translation: “Because I don’t want such things [continuing] for forever”

Pg. 27


っぽい → ‘-like’ (maggie sensei)
なんか → some

Translation: “Because she’s a robot, don’t you think she has some robot-like features?”

Pg. 28


あまえる → to take advantage of
Translation: “Sorry. Sure then, i’ll take advantage of your words.”

The ‘words’ here are the instructions from Yuko that it’s alright to use a feature, which Shinonome interprets as an abacus.


Ah! Thank you. I got that the first one was へま but then I was overthinking it… :sweat_smile: That it’s basically verbing a noun makes much more sense.


なるほど! I didn’t know you could to that in Japanese without using する。 Now it makes sense. Thank you very much!

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Chapter 3 burned my head a little bit with all the words and terms, but I think I grasped everything in the end.


As for page 22, it’s a set phrase:

Hail ichi.moe! :bowing_woman: It’s a godsend for figuring this sort of stuff out :grin:

Also, the っ in this manga are particularly big, it seems. On page 21, it says とった, not とつた, so I removed とつる from the spreadsheet :slight_smile: The way the katakana ロ is written threw me for a loop as well!


Ouh, didn’t know


those girls don’t know that she is a robot even if the winding thing is on her back, but i guess that is part of the humour :smiley:

And the image search did help. I guess i was more accustomed to gold capped teeth or older amalgam filling(mercury with any metal, which can be silver).


The girls know that she is a robot (thats why they start this whole thing in the first place - they are curious if Nano has some built in calculator or something like that). It’s Nano who is trying to hide it and doesn’t realize that everyone already knows.

On page 27 Yukko says ロボだから - “because (she is a) robot” and then comes up with this plan to make her do the calculation, in case you missed that.


they also have a conversation about how she’s a robot but doesn’t want anyone to know it back in chapter 1


Ah, right. That’s a better spot to go back to and read up on that.
@kodvin that’s on page 14, the dialogue between Yukko and Mio


Went back and now everything fell into places. Thanks for help!

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I’m ngl I’m struggling with this one quite a bit! It’s deffo funny, but I think I’ll have to go over it again tomorrow! Hopefully it’ll click more

Here I am learning “珠算” on WaniKani thinking “what a pointlessly specific word to study”, but now I don’t think I’ll ever forget it.


I remember learning it (the word, although not the kanji) from the first episode of K-On!, when students are trying to recruit Yui to their after school clubs, and one is the 「しゅうざんぶ」. Clearly the abacus has its place in Japanese high schools!

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Haha I actually just watched that for the first time a few days ago but I hadn’t learned the word yet so it didn’t stick out. Considering there are probably a few thousand words that I’ve SRS’d and have yet to come across more than once, by my personal experience I guess this is a super common word.

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Ahhh, I also learned the word for ‘abacus’ in the Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Course! I didn’t think much of it; I figured it was a convenient way to let me practise those kanji.


Revisiting this manga, because I had to give up last time due to frustration (lol).

Anyway, ご破算で願いましては (p. 29) seems to be a set phrase as well. Here’s an explanation:
