文プロ(Bunpro): オノマトペ Deck - April 8th, 2024 - Japanese Grammar and Vocab SRS

@sloa123 Thank you for your response! We will do our best to catch as many alternative answers as we can. Thank you for your patience as we get these sorted out. Cheers!

@LS2005 and @greasyButter Thank you both for your feedback. The issues with the Android app have been reported to the developer and we hope to have a more functional app for you soon. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience. Cheers!

@NicoleIsEnough Thank you for your feedback! It looks like your cram session was still being processed when you clicked on the link to the Summary page and therefore did not display all of the items that you reviewed. We are working on a fix that will not show the summary page until all of your reviews (cram or otherwise) have been processed. Thank you for your input! Cheers!

@MissDagger Thank you for our questions! We decided to include いい very early in the lesson order so that you could start reading and reviewing very basic, but meaningful sentences that were not simply “this is a pen”-type phrases. Since we included いい before learning negative, present-continuous, and past conjugations, we did not include any conjugations at first and only added the additional conjugations recently. We intend on adding additional reviews just for conjugation practice as well as reviews called “fundamental reviews” that will focus solely on the grammar point and all of its functions, alternatives and nuances. These reviews will require that you enter multiple forms/conjugations to get credit for the review. Stay tuned!

Right now we do not have the ability to cram specific items within JLPT levels, but it is something that we can look into adding in the future. Thank you again for all of your feedback. Cheers!

@jprspereira We knew we left him somewhere! He has been returned to his proper place. Thanks for letting us know. Cheers!