嵐のピクニック ⛈️ Book Club ・ Starting Dec 14th

Week 5

Start date 11 Jan
Story 哀しみのウェイトトレーニー
PB pages 51-72
Kindle locs 385-610
Total pages/locs 22・226
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I’m consistently about a week behind, but that’s fine. I’ll try to catch up this week. I seem to have flu, which either gives me more time due to missing work, or less time since I don’t feel well!


Me too!

Yeah, from the first half of the story I thought maybe it would turn out to be a movie set or something like, that. Then it got weirder.


I liked this week’s reading because it was a nice little story without any mystical elements, and even something like a happy end. That was a pleasant change from the previous chapters.