小川未明童話集 - Ogawa Mimei’s Collection of Children’s Stories (Beginner Book Club)

Hello all,

there has been a little bit of discussion in the Week 6 thread which could lead to some adjustments in our schedule, and I would like to find out what is best for everyone.

The issue is that this week we are reading a full story and a small bit of another story, which makes for a bit of a weird experience. Of course, we cannot fix this issue for this week any more, but in the schedule we have three weeks (wek 9 - 11) where we plan to read two stories like this:

week 9: start of first story
week 10: end of first story + start of second story
week 11: end of second story

Those two stories are 14 and 15 pages, respectively, therefore I did not want to read them in a single week. But this week showed us that spreading a story over multiple weeks’ threads is a bit awkward, and touching upon two stories in one week (and thus discussing two stories in one thread) is also awkward.

Before I present some ideas on how to mitigate this, here is some background information:

  1. There are a lot of Ogawa Mimei story compilations, and I’ve selected one of them (the ebook that is available on Bookwalker). The physical books are different compilations, therefore some stories are missing in them (but luckily they can be found on Aozora).
  2. We are not reading the stories according to the ordering in any of the books. Instead, I ordered the stories such that the number of pages per week would be low at first and increase over time.
  3. Because of 2. I think that reordering the current schedule should not matter at all (it’s random anyway and not following the editor’s arrangement).
  4. We are not reading all of the stories in the ebook because the schedule would have become too long (and thus the people who didn’t read with us or dropped out would have to wait too long until the next book starts).
  5. I decided to not include 5 stories from the ebook into this book club. One of those stories is not available anywhere else (not even on Aozora :thinking:) for reasons unbeknownst to me, so I’d like to exclude it altogether because it is so inaccessible. Still, there are 4 stories left. (Their lenghts are 7, 8, 8, and 12 pages). Those stories are not available in either of the physical books, only in the ebook and on Aozora. (That’s why I excluded them in the first place.)
  6. There are two more ebook compilations available as it’s a three-volume series. (I’m speculating that those three volumes cover all Ogawa Mimei stories, but I haven’t checked yet.) I was thinking if a bunch of people are interested, we could form a spin-off book club where we finish the first volume and then maybe even tackle the two other volumes until we run out of steam :blush: (Of course we should only decide this near the end of the current club. I’m just including this information so that you are aware of this possibility.)

There were some discussions in the week 6 thread, e.g. to set up one thread per story and use it over two weeks, but this leads to other negative side-effects (confusion and stuff) so we didn’t find a good solution. That’s why I am setting up a poll in the hope that it will clear up things.

Which book are you reading?

  • The Bookwalker ebook
  • One of the physical books
  • No book, just Aozora

0 voters

What is your opinion regarding the current schedule?

In the current schedule, we will spread two of the stories over two weeks each, and we will have one week where we read the end of one story and the start of another one.

  • I am fine with the current schedule.
  • I do not like to spread a story over two weeks.
  • I do not like to read two story parts in one week.

0 voters

What is your preferred way of modifying the current schedule?

(Note that some of the options will shorten our schedule by 1 or 2 weeks while none of the options will make the schedule longer.)
Please tick as many boxes as you agree with.

  • I do not want to modify the current schedule
  • I would like to split one of the stories and read it over two weeks (that would be 7 or 8 pages per week). The other long story should be dropped.
  • I would like to move the two stories to the end of the schedule and read them in one week each (that would be 14 and 15 pages per week)
  • I would like to move the shorter story to the end of the schedule and read it in one week (that would be 14 pages per week). The longer story should be dropped.
  • I would like to replace the two long stories (in weeks 9-11) with the three shorter ones from the ebook (that would be 7, 8, and 8 pages per week) although these stories don’t appear in the physical books.
  • I have a different idea (please explain below)

0 voters