対する v. 比べる

Having a heckuva time understanding the distinction between 対する and 比べる。My understanding is that they both mean to compare right? Is there a meaningful difference?

On a related subject the example sentence they give for 対する is 「たまごの白身の黄身に対するわり合は、2対1です。」
I must admit I don’t really understand the breakdown of 「白身の黄身に対する」it’s quite challenging for me to parse. Thank you in advance for any help!! :bowing_man:

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That part is a relative clause modifying 割合.

黄身に対する割合 is “the ratio relative to the yolk.”

So 白身の黄身に対する割合 is literally “the egg white’s ratio relative to the yolk.”

I think one of the big things to remember with 対する is that it can mean other things than “contrast.” It can also mean “confront,” “deal with (a customer),” “face,” etc.

比べる can’t really mean any of those things. Another compound that is also much more straightforward is 比較ひかく, which just means comparison and really nothing else. So 比較する is unambiguous.


Oh!! That breakdown about 白身の黄身に対する割合 makes total sense, thank you!! :smiley:

And your other explanation makes sense too, I’ve usually heard 対する in respect to how someone is being treated (e.g. 先生に対するの言い方)。 ありがとうございます!!

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