大海原と大海原 ・Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea Absolute Beginners Book Club Prologue Thread

Thank you all for your help.
I have added it to Bunpro but Im still struggling with conjugating into those forms.

I finished the prologue! A day before the next chapter, as planned. I hope I can keep up reading two pages a day.


The good news is, the more you read, the more you’ll see them. And the more you see them, the more familiar they’ll become.

I tried for a long time to learn all this conjugation whatnot, and it never stuck.

Then I started reading manga, and over time I slowly came to recognize more and more. Most of it I now know on sight, without even thinking about it.

It just takes time and exposure.


The chapter 1 thread is now up and linked in the schedule!


Hello! Just wanna thank everyone for their inputs!

Last Saturday, I was also put off by the first page as I didn’t grasp much of the thoughts that I ended up stopping after 15 mins as I had other stuff to do.

Today, went back to read the rest of the prologue first instead and didn’t have too much trouble. I hope I can keep up!


I didnt read the first page either…I think I tried the forst two bubbles and then quit haha
As really an absolute beginner the rest of the pages have been tough enough.


saaame here haha but thanks to the helpful vocab sheet everything else went fairly smoothly!


I’m a couple days behind on the reading, but I just finished the prologue. Overall I didn’t have too much trouble with it, mostly just a lot of new vocabulary. I do have one question about page 6 though

In this frame it looks like the person to the front right is saying the first line and one of the two that had been talking before is replying… but that doesn’t make sense to me…
I’m admittedly not great at reading manga/comics, so maybe I’m not quite following. I feel like, given the contents, the first line should be being said by Wadanohara and the reply by Kuromasa (if I’ve correctly identified the short person with the white hat and the taller one with the black hat, respectively). And relatedly, do we know who the front right person is? Is that the familiar(?) that was calling out on the previous page?


That’s exactly right, the person in the bottom right of the frame is saying わ〜あとどれくらいで着くの?

and Wadanohara is replying with もう少しだよ

Exactly right, its the same person who was calling out わだち〜!! in the previous panel.

Here is the dialogue lines written out for the last panel of page 5 and the first of page 6, including a blurred out rough English translation

Page 5 last panel and page 6 first panel

Person A:

Wada-chan (presumed nickname for Wadanohara)


Your familiar is calling to you

Person A:

How much longer until we arrive?


Just a little longer


So I am a bit late to the party, but maybe someone is still here to answer my question about the follwing phrase on the coloured page:


I was wondering if the “continuing” refers only the “wait” or to “pray” as well.
Would it be better to translate the sentence as: “… only praying and continuing to wait” or as “only continuing to pray and wait”
I also wonder, if there even is a good literal english translation, as 祈り is not a verb…


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祈り is the - masu stem of the verb 祈る. The grammar here is combining verbs to show a sequence of actions. (as mentioned before it’s the same as using て form grammatically, so it would be the same as 祈って待ち続けいました).

I’m pretty sure it emcompasses the whole sentence, but I could be wrong. Perhaps this is why the masu stem was used instead of て form for the sequence?

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Thank you! I get it now! :slight_smile:

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