変な家 🏠 🔍 (IBC)・Week 8

変な家 :house: :mag:
Intermediate Book Club
Home Thread

Week 8 21 September 2024
End page 205
End % 74.2
Next starting heading 重治
Pages 22
Starting location 1284
Location count 246
Last week Week 7
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A whole week’s reading without any new floor plan discussions!

my thoughts

Instead we get a lot of information on the family history of the Katabuchis.
I was a little confused when I first was told that the children 1, 3 and 4 died at a young age, and then that the “witch” established the family rules to ensure that exactly those children would be killed (nothing in her rules specified that the second son should be spared). Finally they say that the rules were never applied in the lifetime of Momota.

The instructions for the ‘left hand ritual’ confused even google translate which tried to translate from Chinese. What kind of Japanese is this really? It didn’t make much sense to me. Fortunately a translation into modern Japanese followed.


It’s archaic/classical Japanese. ChatGPT dealt with it pretty well.

To anyone else coming across a part where there are a lot of ‘random’ katakana and the grammar doesn’t quite make sense, don’t bother trying to figure it out (unless you like that kind of thing of course) and just read ahead to the next paragraph, which is a modern translation :grin:


Why would someone use that in the early 20th century? Was it even known then by average Japanese people?

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I don’t know a whole lot about this topic, but keep in mind that modern Japanese orthography only stems from 1946. And according to this article, government documents were still in classical Japanese until that time. So I imagine that yes, people would be pretty familiar with classical Japanese at the time those rules were written down and I imagine using classical Japanese gave those rules a more ritualistic, official vibe, because ‘official documents’ were still the realm of classical Japanese at that time?


I don’t know about other people, but I found this week a bit heavy going. Partly because there were quite a lot of lookups for unfamiliar words. Partly because we suddenly had a whole lot of names of new characters (most of whom I suspect won’t reappear). Partly because the week was very heavy in exposition (with a story that I confess I find pretty far-fetched. Family machinations, sure. Incest, ok I can accept that. Even the horrible episode of self harm. But then this new character who invents a preposterous curse story that the Katabuchi family just embrace without questioning. I think I’d have preferred the time travelling zombie explanation….


It’s really jumping the shark huh? It’s so over the top that I’m kind of here for it tbh :joy:

This week

I‘m with @Domjcw here. I like it when things get wild, but I also prefer it if the entire chain of events does not depend on everyone being dumb as a brick to work. I guess I’ll wait for the rest of the infodump about Katabuchi’s grandfather we‘ll get next week, but my hope that this whole steaming mess will get a resolution more satisfying than time travelling zombies seems rather slim at this point.

Wait, where did it say that? Does that mean it wasn’t Momota after all who killed the 3 children? I just assumed they went through with it and the witchy duo saved the son they didn’t want to be killed by making it easier for Momota to get to the other children.

sorry -- next week's spoiler

Sorry, I did it again. They say it right at the beginning of next week’s reading - at least this is how I understand it.


What does 出版可能な箇所だけをまとめた mean? (It’s just before the 兄弟 heading).

I understand the words individually but can’t make any sense of it in context…


[subject] summarised/included only those parts that are able to be published


Oooh, I thought it was describing what yoshiesan was doing which didn’t add up. Thanks!


We read a manga in the Intermediate Manga Club featuring a modern girl time-traveling to the 1910 and one of the stories centers around her struggling because she’s unable to read classical literature:

It’s not uncommon for the literary/official/liturgical language to diverge from the vulgate this way, either because the vulgate evolves while the “prestige” dialect gets fossilized or because a new language is introduced, displacing the previous one for some but not all uses.

Consider the use of Latin in medieval and Renaissance Europe, Church Latin in the Catholic church to this day, Classical Arabic still being the literary language of the Arab world despite having no native speaker, Old Church Slavonic used in the Orthodox church, the use of French among Russian aristocracy, the use of Normand French among the English elites during the Normand rule (eventually merging with Old English to become modern English) etc…

It’s both a natural phenomenon because the written word always tends to lag behind the spoken language, but also a way for the elites to gatekeep the access to knowledge if the unwashed masses can’t access the important religious, political and legal works without translation. It can also be a way to reach a broader audience, the way English is used today and classical Chinese was used in the far east at the time.


Yes! I had to read that part multiple times. This week’s reading took me so long to get through because I kept having to backtrack to keep everything straight.


I have installed a genealogy software on my PC to keep track of the complicated relationships.
However I can publish my result only next week because it would contain another spoiler for next week’s reading.


I’m glad that we didn’t speed up after all, the tale of yoshiesan is painful for me compared to the usual kurihara fare. Not even a single drawing to pad the pages a bit…

Pretty happy to get the backstory, however. Didn’t expect this to turn into Game of Thrones


I finally got to the archaic Japanese part, surprisingly I found it relatively easy to parse, it’s mostly modern Japanese with some archaic spelling and of course using katakana everywhere. I strongly suspect that it’s “faux archaic” written by a modern author who isn’t really able to write in this style fluently. It’s a little too clean. It’s like how modern English speakers will start using “thou” to sound old-school but won’t bother going deeper into it.

For instance the text uses the kanji 齢 but I’m fairly sure that at the time it’s supposed to have been written it should have been 齡.

I think all those videogames that like to use katakana willy-nilly have prepared me for this.

Plot impressions

They named their incest son “fat weed” lmao.

I actually quite liked this backstory conceptually, and I’m even willing to accept that 宗一郎 was delusional and traumatized enough to accept 蘭鏡’s 呪術 ritual. That said I do have issues with the way the author handled this reveal.

I feel that I’m given the solution of a riddle that I was given no opportunity to solve. I think it would have been more interesting to discover these plot elements incrementally and be given the time to speculate about their meaning. The incest thing could have been teased and become a big reveal, instead it’s spelled out two pages after you first hear about these characters.

Ditto for 蘭鏡’s true identity, I actually thought she must have faked her divination and was actually an insider with ulterior motives, but I didn’t have the time to think about it before the whole scheme was revealed.

It’s almost as if you’re reading the summary of the book instead of the actual story, it’s very dense and not hugely fun to read.

I hope we’ll get back on track next week, but looks like we have some more yoshie infodump ahead of us.


Yeah, the archaic part indeed felt a bit like the “archaic” you get from demons and the like in video games and manga.

I also agree with many of the points you raise about the plot progression. I am curious about where it goes from here, though, because at this point it seems as if a lot has suddenly been explained… On to the next week :smile:

(And I only just finished this week’s part, so I’m glad we didn’t speed up! It was indeed a bit harder to read than previous weeks.)


Oops I was on vacation before and forgot to post the thoughts I wrote previously for this chapter!


Uhhhh lot to process this week. Not even sure what to write LOL

The 左手供養 page was hard to read for me because of the katakana, I dislike when something is all katakana like that. I was struggling until I realized the narrator very kindly spells it out after that