So I stumbled a few times now about getting 効率 wrong, since it is described as Efficiency, even though the Kanji 効 means Effective. There is a clear distinction between effective and efficient, so I tried to find a Kanji for both of them.
Jisho showed me the Kanji 效 for efficient, but 効 is listed as a variant of that.
So my question is basically: Is there a distinction for Effective and Efficient in Japanese? Or are they kind of merged together?
Would appreciate any help or clarification on this!
I think, care a little less about Kanji’s meaning, and add synonyms liberally. Vocabularies associated with the Kanji are more important. If there aren’t many vocabularies, explanations (especially in Japanese), rather than English word fixing, are more important.
Vocabularies are subjected to usage and explanation as well, but have less leeway than Kanji.
Yeah I see it now, I was way too focused on the 効 Kanji meaning instead of seeing how both of the Kanji might work together to mean something different.