乳と卵 (Advanced Book Club)

I have found a way!
A bit late, but yay.

After reading a bunch of 400+ pages books, I have to say it feels strange to hold such a smol boi. :joy:


Our main story is drawing to an end already! Welcome to week 3:

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It’s already the last week of our little book club :slight_smile:
This week we’ll cover the book’s second story:


Satisfaction Poll Time!

Congrats to everybody who made it through our mini-bookclub :slight_smile: Here is the usual poll:

Have you read 乳と卵?

  • I finished it
  • I’m still reading and I plan on finishing it
  • I don’t plan to finish it
  • I never even started it

0 voters

If you read the book, how would you rate it on a 5 point scale? (1: hated it, 5: loved it)

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • Unsure / Didn’t finish

0 voters

If you read the book, how would you rate its difficulty?

  • No effort at all
  • Minimal effort
  • Moderate effort
  • Significant effort
  • So much effort my head might explode
  • I don’t know

0 voters

Participation Statistics


The reader base was very consistent. The spike in comments in week 3 is probably due to it being the end of the main story, so judging from that, the story was something worth speaking about :slight_smile:


About my satisfaction rating, I voted 4, but it’s more like I loved the main story (would grade 5 I guess) and absolutely hated the extra story (1). Then I scaled by their respective length, so I ended up with a number that is absolutely not representative of my enjoyment at any singular point :sweat_smile:


I did not :sweat_smile: And I also slid into a very big reading slump, that I am escaping currently… So now I finally finished this book, and it was interesting. I liked the short story as well. The 関西弁 was super challenging for me though, as well as the writing style, I could follow what’s happening, but definitely not 100%. Maybe I’ll reread it in a few years.


For future readers: So I bit the bullet and bought this PB edition listing French as language, even thought everything else points to Japanese, all book pictures, etc. And I can confirm that it’s Japanese!

I also bought あん, under the same French Situation, and it’s also thankfully a Japanese PB.

If they change this to real french ones in the future, don’t sue me! :bowing_man: