三ツ星カラーズ Volume 2

I think he’s because he’s backtracking. He went from point A to point B, and now he’s going from point B back to point A. Sacchan’s suggesting that maybe he went the wrong way, so that’s why he’s gone back.

If we could pin the exact locations on a map, we might see that they just passed by the area where Yui fell earlier. It’s possible they’ve reached the area from before they made the “only step on shadows” rule.

This blog entry show the shadows area as here:

The unprocessed version of the photo is in a locked post, but I was able to find the location on Google Maps here:

Tilt the camera down to see the “dashes” on the street like in the photo. They’re not there in the future, so I had to pick a time around when the photo would have been taken to find them.

Turning the camera to the right gives Yui’s death location:

Turn the camera to the right a little to see the casting of the shadows.

On the return trip, when Yui remarks about no meaning in falling, they’re not back here yet. They’re still over here:

So, the complaint comes before the follow location is returned to, but the sentiment may be “if we’re just going back to Point A, then I didn’t need to fall on the way to Point B (because we didn’t need to go to Point B in the first place).”

And bonus points go to @Belthazar for the starting points to check on Google Maps!


Ohhhh! I thought it was Saki talking. Okay, that makes so much more sense now. Thanks.

Chapter 14 Questions

Page 57, Panel 4

Struggling to parse the structure of this.
this / to release / [not] / thing / bullet / fire
The negative is throwing me off. Seems he’s trying to say the safety needs to be released, but then he says “not released.” Something is tripping me up here.

Page 58, Panel 1

Can you not see the old lady from volume 1 suddenly walking by to see this?

Page 58, Panel 5 / Page 59, Panel 1

What exactly is こっぱ and what is it adding to these two sentences? The vocabulary sheet has “broken into small fragments; smashed to atoms” for こっぱ微塵. But if こっぱ modifies 微塵 (particle, atom, little piece) than what is こっぱも言えよ? This phrase is now lacking the noun.

Funniest part of this is when Saito tries to copy the girls in calling a strategy meeting. Lol.


Let me ninja the answers.

Page 57, Panel 4

You got this right, I believe. In case this will not be released, the rocker won’t fire. されねえー>されない is also a negatve.

Page 58, Panel 1

Oh, you totally right. It also would’ve been so sweet to have her walk past in the background.

Page 58, Panel 5 / Page 59, Panel 1

I believe it’s a joke(?). こっぱ has a tint of pitifulness with its second meaning. When ゆい cries she says only the 微塵 as in they will be reduced to atoms and 斎藤 goes don’t forget the pitiful part.


I’m pretty sure I posted some of these specific points. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I may have missed them when checking for my reply. (You had one post with a bunch of really great links, but this one scene wasn’t pinpointed.) Regardless, there’s the spot she fell =P

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I just realized this past chapter has a vocabulary overlap with another comic volume I read recently…


第15話 もか姉

Start Date: 2022-04-08T15:00:00Z

(Looks l like I had an issue with the chapter names in the schedule. That has now been fixed.)


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Real world locations! The title page is (probably) here.

And the bread shop that forms the focus of this chapter is here. The angles I can find on Street View are not great, but one thing I have noticed is that the square clock above Sacchan’s head in the establishing panel on the first page turns into a completely different sign somewhere between April 2015 and January 2016…

It’s still a bread shop, though, so I guess Moka-nee’s plan fell through.


This was a fun chapter!

If anybody wants to use Kotoha’s method of dealing with unwanted phonecalls - here’s the sheet music you’ll need to carry out your threat :rofl:


Ah yes, a refreshing dose of うんこ talk.


Oh yeah, I meant to look that up, but forgot.

From memory, the song appears in Yotsuba too, with Yotsuba adorably messing up the lyrics as she always does.


第16話 ゴミひろい

Start Date: 2022-04-15T15:00:00Z


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They’re sitting here for the first half of the chapter. Otherwise they’re all locations we’ve seen before (or are fairly nondescript).

I’m kind of amused at how Yui and Kotoha switch roles the moment Yui’s holding the game. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah that was pretty funny, Yui turned all confident all of a sudden and Kotoha was suffering hahaha.

Didn't think I'd see this word again


I think it’s the only 5 kanji word I know, but I guess it’s a fairly common item so it may keep showing up (honestly it made such an impact the first time I saw it that I doubt I’ll ever forget it.

Chapter end spoilers

I kinda saw this coming but I expected them to at least try and get bored, not to instantly go for the easy way out hahaha, they still manage to surprise me with their tricky ways


第17話 大佐撮ってるカー

Start Date: 2022-04-22T15:00:00Z


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The statue of 西郷さいごう隆盛たかもり is located here. He was a samurai who was one of the great movers and shakers involved in the Meiji Restoration, but later lead the Satsuma Rebellion against the Meiji government. The word Sacchan is trying to think of when she comes up with 痴漢 is most likely 廃藩置県. Astonishingly, the dog is not a hidden camera.

Heh, I like おつカラーズ.


I struggled a little this week, but I think I got the gist of it.

I also ended reading about 西郷隆盛 since I didn’t know who he was :slight_smile:


Wow, I can’t believe you found that out from what she said, though I guess it’s mostly from context on what he is than on what she said haha

Also, this is such a random thing seeing that statue and ending up with a photography car, this series is getting wackier and I love it


Yep, all context. Japanese politicans do love their four-character slogans, and it wasn’t too hard to find one associated with him that sounds like something that could be corrupted to 痴漢 (though I confess I’ve clean forgotten exactly what I searched for…)


A search for 「“西郷隆盛” “痴漢” カラーズ」 brings me to this page of Ueno photographs, which mentions:


So, looks like Kotoha’s 盗撮(とうさつ) may have come from 倒幕(とうばく) (“overthrow of the shogunate”).