七日: なのか or なぬか?


In WaniKani, nanoka is used for 七日 but in iKanji app, it’s nanuka. I checked wikipedia, it lists both, but nanoka is more common than nanuka. It’s good that WaniKani uses the common one, but why is iKanji using the uncommon one without mentioning the common one? Yes, I’ll contact iKanji about it but just wanted to hear from your side about this. :slight_smile:

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wow I’ve never heard of nanuka as a reading! maybe it is a dialectal form from where the editor? for iKanji is from?

I learned it as なのか. Interestingly this dictionary gives the full definition under なぬか and for なのか it just says that it’s a phonetic change from なぬか.


I don’t think this is optional, even if you can find なぬか in a dictionary. People do not use it now (barring some kind of regional vestige).

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