ルリドラゴン ・ Ruri Dragon 🐲 Week 1

That has also been attempted by our dear @ChristopherFritz. I’m sure it’s still easier than the grammar sheet, but compiling all of it into a single post/document is still a good bit of work for one person.

Though, I do think something similar was discussed in the main thread already – making the first post or two a wiki and letting people post the Q&A’s by page there.

I wouldn’t mind just making my Things to Know post a wiki, and just have another section below it for folks to compile those if they would like. :person_shrugging:

In fact, done. Made that comment a wiki, and I’ll go through and add the question and answers we have gone through so far a little later when I am actually at the PC and not on mobile.

Or else we could just make it a Google doc, actually. Might be better so that it’s just a single document across the entire club instead of having to do a separate post in each thread.

But then, I’m torn. A document is more easily accessible in terms of being a single link, but having it in the forums makes it more immediately searchable, which is useful. :joy:

What do others think, so I can stop arguing with myself? :rofl: