ルリドラゴン ・ Ruri Dragon 🐲 (Absolute Beginner Book Club)

I’d expect this is the reason. Especially since they all come wrapped in plastic so you can’t look inside. I could see how people could buy a manga and not realize that it’s not been translated.


I hope you answered with some variation of はい、わかりますよ :laughing:

I’d think that a store selling Japanese books would be kinda used to foreigners reading books in Japanese. But I guess maybe it was just to be on the safe side…


I do wonder what sort of numbers they do at places like these. Do they do manga exclusively, or is it like a Japanese goods store?


Huh, this seems like my cup of tea, will probably join in with you all, looking forward to it ^^


At least at my local Kinokinuya, the front half of the store where you enter contains manga and other books in Japanese and English (including language study resources!), and the back half of the store is stuff like stationery, plushies, anime merch, etc. They also have some Japanese/Japan themed cookbooks and magazines and the like.

Ahh you’re right! Unfortunately I did not :joy: 次回 !


I think several people on wk have mentioned before that they were surprised to learn that this bookstore is in particular a Japanese bookstore and not just a regular bookstore that has just a larger than average manga section.


Ok, I’ll try to join this one. My local Japanese bookstores don’t have it in stock unfortunately, and the next batch of import will be in early march, so I’ll go digital.

Level 20 on natively sounds super hard, but I’ll do what I can.


I tried to order the digital versions from Amazon and Kobe but both failed, saying the digital version is not available in my country (Netherlands). Anyone else has this problem?


Here is a post that may help with Amazon:


(Scroll down to the “Buying from Amazon JP” section.)

I don’t know if there is a similar post anywhere for Kobo.

Another option is BookWalker, which might be easier to sign up for and use (although I haven’t tried buying from there).


I’m in the Netherlands and bought it from Bookwalker without a problem, so that definitely works


Level means nothing if you have willpower and the power of friendship. Pretend you’re in a shounen manga!


Asking this in advance: is there a limit to how many questions we’re allowed ask during each week’s thread? I’ve already worked as far as Page 15, and I’m transcribing/trying to translate every sentence as I go along. I’m obviously not expecting a response to every single sentence, and I know that there’ll be a large amount naturally added to the vocab and grammar sheet. Still, I am trying to get as much out of the process as possible, so i thought I’d ask well before we get started to avoid clogging the Week 1 thread when it comes. Particularly if ルリドラゴン’s protocol is going to differ from other books. Thanks.


Only 1, make it count.

I guess it’d be better to have it all in one post, and maybe leave new posts to specific questions.
But really, you can do whatever.


I wouldn’t imagine there would be a limit, but I’m willing to answer everything I can.

One thing I want to say though, is that I’ve found it better to try and understand things in Japanese, that means try not to translate everything. Of course I translate things when I absolutely have to, but in general it’s more like if I see a word like ゆっくり and I didn’t know it, it’d be better if I searched up just that word and nothing else in the sentence because I already know them. So once I know all the pieces, I try and make sense of it myself.

Just might be something to keep in mind, transcribing is not inherently wrong, just make sure you’re not skipping out on learning.


Sorry, just to be clear, when I say ‘translate’ i don’t mean using a translation tool. I mean trying to understand what a sentence means. I’d describe that as translation, maybe there’s a better word.

And I agree with you. I only look up individual words. Past that point I just try to do my best to understand.


If it makes it easier to understand, here’s what the first few examples will look like:

Page 4

ツノ関係ないじゃん。= It means “It’s nothing to do with ツノ” ?

Page 9

言うな = “Don’t say anything” ?

起きたら生えてたの = ichi.moe said that たら here is conditional. I assume it’s linking the two verbs here. So, how come it doesn’t translate as “i wake up if it was growing”?

Again, I’m not actually expecting people to read every single sentence or anything. It’s just moreso for my own benefit, and perhaps others will find it useful if some of my translations are correct (so far i got a whole sentence perfect on one of the pages!), but if I have specific questions after reading through others answers I’ll just go from there?


There’s no limit to questions, but I would advise to keep in mind that posting a bunch of questions all at the same time may turn off potential helpers as the amount could be overwhelming.

As for transcribing/translating, if you’re going to post all of that, I recommend putting each page under a summary like below so that it’s easier to people to read if people want to check just one spot and not get spoiled for the rest.

page 1


page 2

example part 2

page 3

example part 3


Yup looks like you read my mind! Haha


Those questions look good, and you’re welcome to ask as many as you need.

It would be better not to use spoiler tags inside the [details] though (because it makes it harder to read for the one answering). You only need to use spoiler tags for potential spoilers that are not hidden by a [details] dropdown.


Lol, what timing. :joy:

I don’t have my copy on me, but for Page 9

Page 9

Don’t forget that the order is backwards from English. Also, I’d use “when” for たら here, so you get They had grown in when I woke up. The たら is describing the phrase preceding, not following