ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石 - chapter 9

The Christmas break is over, and it’s time to start reading again! Are you caught up or are you behind? Don’t worry, we have a long time left with this book so you can still catch up if you want.

As usual, we’ll spend 2 weeks on chapter 9, January 4-17. The home thread for this bookclub is here .

Who will read Harry Potter chapter 9 now?

  • I’m reading along

  • I’m still reading but I haven’t reached this part yet

  • I’m not participating

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Once we finish this chapter, we’ll be just over halfway through the book. :slightly_smiling_face:


And finished. Interesting that the “Pig snout” password was written in katakana-furigana with the English pronunciation.

On the story side of things, correct me if I’m wrong, but this is the only Flying class that we see in the entirety of the series, right? And also the only time they actually summon their brooms to their hands with “Up” (Harry learns Accio in book four to summon it from the castle, but otherwise they just, you know… bend over. and pick it up), and the only appearence of the remembrall.

It’s almost like the first half of the chapter is just a clumsy segue to get Harry into the Quiddich team. :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m 99.9% sure you’re right there.

Does that mean all Madam Hooch does is rock up for one lesson at the start of term to teach everyone to get on a broom and referee a few Quidditch matches (unless a teacher randomly offers to do so :P)?

I can only assume she spends the rest of the year holding up in the staff room hoping no one realises…

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I think there are more flying lessons, leading to some kind of certificate, maybe? Similar to swimming lessons? Harry passed right away, I guess.


Maybe Madam Hooch also teaches them swimming off-screen. :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean, to be fair, the whole thing does feel a little extra-curricular - they’re notified about the flying lessons by a notice appearing on the noticeboard rather than it being written in their class timetable, but yeah.


So Peeves is telling Filtch to say どうぞ before he’ll tell them where Harry and co have gone. I’m assuming he’s supposed to say “please” in the English translation.

I found that interesting, I’ve only ever used/seen どうぞ in the context of offering someone something. Not really in the “please, give me something” sense.

Well that’s interesting, because in my edition, he wants Filch to say お願いします.

Yes, to me that would make more sense!