セロリの歌曲 (山崎まさよし ) analysis

Sometimes i like to study with song, because i think it’s a good way to remenber sentence, and also sometimes song as written the way people speaking.

So, let’s start with the first verse of this very good song.

妥協してみたり多くを求めたり なっちゃうね


Basically we can understand what is the purpose. Let see in detail:

  • イナメナイ: Katakana ?!? Suppose it’s poetic fantasy, but if you listen to the song, he clearly detach the sounds of each…
  • しょうがない : form of する. Nothing we can do about it.
  • 妥協してみたり: Hummm, てみる + たり form…
  • なっちゃうね: This is the worse. Here’s an exemple 踊りたくなっちゃうね = makes me want to dance. Easier like this. But in the song sentence ? Which way did you translate it ?
  • 出逢ったんだろう: 出逢う verb たんだ form + だろう(isn’t it).
  • いたいのさ: The famous さ conclude sound ! You heard this many times, people ending their sentence with this…

Waiting for comment and correction.
And maybe continu with the refrain and over verses if someone is interesting about.

here’s the youtube link of the song:

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